How being conservative became "Nazi" in Germany - a devastating summary about German society values

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Western old school values are "uncool" in Germany and the West now, because  cultural marxists in politics and society are manipulating everything in education system, school, universities and academics.

We are forced to be a Social Justice Warriors or Cultural Marxists everywhere, being conservative is "Nazi" now in Germany - we are not allowed to be proud of ourselves, because the Nazies were proud. 

Especially in Germany, it is socially unaccepted to show sympathy to traditional values - due to nazi guilt and brainwashing since decades. People describe it as "not progressive" enough. Back in the days, the german christian party called CDU represented strong conservative values, traditional family rules and more. 

Our current opposition party, #AfD, Alternative for Germany, has a lot in common with those (old) CDU values, but they are getting labeled widely by Media and Society as "Far-Right", "The Brownshirts", "Nazis", "NSDAP 2.0" - horrible name calling and labeling. If you compare the old CDU advertising material and AfD now - they represent the SAME values as "The old CDU", but AfD seems to be Nazi now. 

Imagine having the same values for 30 years - back in the days you would have been described as conservative left / centrist - now you are "Far-Right", politically seen in society. WUT ? Not the values changed, but the labeling and view has been changed / manipulated by Mainstream Media and education. 

Left is now Right. Right is now Left. The Left today is using right-wing fascism / communism methods against conservative / liberals in Germany ( for example "Antifa" that are shutting down free speech events, threatening opposition party meetings, just like the Brownshirts back in the days did ) but unfortunately this behaviour is socially appreciated, promoted and accepted - Why ? Because people think they have the moral high ground to "stop the evil Nazis". 

The Media does not stop to label freedom fighters, oppositional people, anti war as "Far-Right Conspiracy Theorist Nazis" - Hollywood and popular "stars" and musicians also push this agenda and use their influence to manipulate people's mind. They try to make populism "uncool".

The last decades were filled with degeneracy like feminism or SJWs - this is a post-modern ideology that is being pushed onto our children - a really strong turn from traditionalism, national pride, European identity and tradition, that once was established in the West.

This forced guilt on our Culture has to end, or our culture can't be preserved. But there is still hope - people are waking up. ( Saying "Germany wake up!" is not allowed, because the Nazis said that, an opposition politician on Twitter said that and got a HUGE backlash from Media, destroying his credibility by "guilt by association" - They said he's a NAZI ).

What the fuck is happening and why? 

In my opinion, this behaviour by our elites is being pushed because they don't want to loose power and influence - populism is rising in America, alternative news are getting more popular than ever and the legacy mainstream media is losing credibility daily. 

Why is it good for the elites to destroy identity and national consciousness ?

This is a huge point now - europe is getting flooded by arabic / african culture by mass immigration, people are celebrating "diversity" - but in fact, german / european culture is getting wiped from the earth, islam is getting taught in german schools, our historic "Weihnachtsmärkte" ( Christmas Markets ) are being renamed to "Winter Market", because it "offends" people with other religions, and many more problems that were not there, before. 

The EU, European Union, is using the concept of unification, everywhere they can. If they can destroy the identity and traditions of the specific countries, they are able to push further unification - They are already telling us, that nationalism is dead, results in "war" and globalism would be the solution. 

From sources, that are inside the European Commission, i know, that they are really planning a European Superstate - The United States of Europe - which they plan to implement over Europe. Easy concept - destroy identity by mass immigration, create chaos and force EU's member to accept the new unelected, global dictatorial government from Brussels.  By removing Cash Currency and updating to full digital payment systems, they will have full control over society and dissidents. 

This is a scary development that causes fear in thousands of european citizens. We do not want another EU based Soviet Union with censorship

God help us. Please comment and show your thoughts about this intense topic - writing this post was not easy and it is very crucial for our future ..


Crazy Germans

It is really crazy - i'd appreciate if you resteemit this post, it's very important

This is the result of a very long development of this so-called "New World Order", "Corporate World Government", whatever you want to call it. A global totalitarian, orwellian police state is their goal. The fight for the soul of humanity rages on. Will the end result of history be freedom or slavery? It is up to us.

We need to Expose it before it's implemented

You had me at cultural marxists!

Its an amazing time in history when people from all over the world can find kinship with others they have never met. This is happening everywhere, but Germany is a few steps ahead. Your culture is being replaced for the very reason that it is a threat to the powers that be. Just as the German tribes were a pest to the Roman Empire. The hope is in speaking out and hoping this doesn't resort to a wide scale european civil war against the Euro. God help you all and keep vigilent.

This is a wicked developement that has to be stopped.