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RE: The James Comey Hearing Is An OBVIOUS Distraction!

in #politics8 years ago

Not what I said, I said the left views him as a hero because he was a communist. Now I came on this piece, give it a good look:
"According to German intelligence specialists who described Putin's task, the goal was stealing Western technology or NATO secrets. A newly revealed document shows Putin was trying to recruit agents to be trained in "wireless communications." But for what purpose is not clear.

Putin defends the Soviet-era intelligence service to this day. In recent comments to a writers' group in Moscow, he even seemed to excuse its role in dictator Joseph Stalin's brutal purges, saying it would be "insincere" for him to assail the agency where he worked for so many years. Fiercely patriotic, Putin once said he could not read a book by a Soviet defector because "I don't read books by people who have betrayed the Motherland."
Putin in reality is unscrutable, you don't know what he really stands for, most probably he is a patriot who looks at the west with mistrust, never the less the left likes him.


I think at one point the left liked him but it's my job to deal with the left and the right on a daily basis as a reporter and I haven't spoken to someone on the left in years who looked at Putin fondly other than maybe Oliver Stone.
It's become a leftist talking point that Putin's some totalitarian fascist leader.
Those of us outside the circular collectivist spectrum know fascism and communism come full circle but I've watched Putin trash the past Soviet government countless times. A friend of mine who I'm trying to get on Steemit is a former KGB assassin and he could probably chime into this well.

Do you really believe a KGB assassin would come out and tell you what he was? You lose some credibility with that kind of assertion. As to communists who believe in Putin I have many friends (idealists) who still symphatize with communism and consider Putin a hero, personally I believe he is a totalitarian fascist who heads a police state, but what I say still stands, the left view him as an ok fellow.

You must know some different leftists because this whole insane Russian collusion distraction is for the most part dreamt up by leftists. And considering the laws against gays in Russia, I doubt you'll get many leftists supporting that.
And what do you mean I lose some credibility regarding my friend being a former KGB assassin? Yes some former KGB assassins have come out about the horrible things they've done. Most haven't and most haven't let go of the fact that the USSR had fallen but that doesn't mean none of them would ever call out the totalitarianism they lived under and unfortunately fought for.
I think Putin's a totalitarian too, I never said he wasn't. It's just that he's also no what the media constantly claims he is and the establishment media has made countless false claims and false equivalencies with him and what he's allegedly done.

You think there aren't gays on the right? And if someone is a KGB assassin he should be in jail, that is definite a murderer is a murderer period.
I don't know where you live I live in Honduras and the ex communists here like Putin, I would think it would be the same all over Latin America.

I'm in Canada and the left HATES Putin. But they LOVE Castro.
And when did I say there aren't gays on the right? lol I'm just saying it's a mostly left lobby.

Ok, let's leave it at that, only thing, which Castro? Fidel is dead.

Fidel. He may be dead but they still idolize him. The Canadian Prime Minister was friends with him since childhood and praised him preceding his death.
Then again, the Canadian Prime Minister praised China's government saying "I like their basic dictatorship, it works!" lol