De-Occulting the EU ...... With the help of Stanley Kubrick

in #politics7 years ago (edited)



Today the UK and the EU have begun talks on Britain leaving the 'Union'. One year on from the historic Brexit vote and tensions remain high between opposing sides with opinions still as split as ever. Todays meeting in Brussels will rather comically be the only day of talks this week, fairly Ironic really considering inefficiency and procrastination are some of the criticisms levelled at the bloc. But I'm sure these Eurocrats have far more important things to do with the rest of their week than to decide the futures of 743 million people, golf balls need hitting, caviar needs consuming and they may even get time for some child sacrifices ,who knows? 

The European Union is centralised power, unelected and unanswerable to the people. Its a mechanism of globalisation and its only real purpose is to filter power into as fewer hands as possible. How anyone of rational mind can mistake centralised power for co-operation in an age when so much information is at your fingertips is beyond me , but nevertheless 48% of people in my country are apparently so happy to be shafted by Elites they would probably even agree to give them a reach-around. Here then , is a little expose of some history and symbology from our friends in the EU, enough evidence I believe to seriously question the motives of our friends in Brussels.

The EU was originally a Nazi Plan.

German historians have repeatedly published the Nazis’ documents containing plans for European integration. Gerhardt Haas and Wolfgang Schumann’s collection of documents concerning the military goals of German imperialism during WW2 were released in 1972. This book primarily cited evidence of large-scale plans for the economic integration of Europe under the Nazi leadership in the interest of European finance. Historians have noted that such linguistic constructions as “European Union”, “European Economic Community”, and “European Confederation” which fill European media were first announced as official elements of state policy in the documents of the Third Reich.

These are some flag designs for the EU flag from a competition to design a new logo. The swastika close to bottom right made the short list of the last 12 designs.

One of the main developers of “United Europe” was the SS officer Alexander Dolezalek who headed an SS department specifically created for this. After the war he worked for West Germany and the United States under the name of Alexander Bomhoff and headed the "All-European educational project". His works on European integration after the war were thoroughly studied  by leading theorists in this domain and had an impact on the speech of Winston Churchill in Zurich in 1946, when the former British prime minister appealed to create a United States of Europe.  

Former SS Officer Alexander Dolezalek

Other plans the former SS officer made fully coincide with the policy of the current European elites. In particular, Dolezalek proposed to eliminate the borders between European countries and introduce a single European passport! However, the activities of the SS for creating a "United Europe", as we have seen, were not limited to one single officer there are many cases too numerous to go into here, including such high profile Nazis as Hitlers Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop who worked on a draft for a "United Europe" 

The Kalergi Plan 

The Kalergi plan was devised in 1920s by known FreeMason Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. He wrote a book titled “Practical Idealism" which set out his views on how he believed the abolition of the right of self-determination and the elimination of European nations should be accomplished with the formation of an European Union. 

Kalergi received financial backing from Baron Louis Rothschild and Max Warhburg and wrote of the need for ethnocide of the indigenous, mostly Caucasian race of the European continent. This he proposed should be done through enforced mass migration to create a loss of identity and sovereignty within the masses which would allow easier domination by the elite. 

“The (European) man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of nations, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals” .... Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi 

Now everyone has there own ideas on immigration but surely nobody can argue that this type of planned interfering with the structures of communities not to mention genetics, for the benefit of a handful of people could ever be condoned. Yet its all there in plain site in many publications of the past century. Also bizarrely Kalergi was the very first recipient of the Charlemagne Prize in 1950. Recipients of the award are said to of contributed the most to European Unity and include Bill Clinton, Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Donald Tusk and Martin Shultz. So these high profile politicians receive an award that heralds the ideals of a man pushing for eugenics and this isn't even newsworthy? 

Occult "Tower of Babel" symbology in the European parliment building?

Strange Tower of Babel EU poster full of symbolism, notice the inverted pentagrams!

CIA involvement in the founding of EU

DECLASSIFIED American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement.The documents confirm suspicions voiced at the time that America was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.

The Masonic Post War Agenda 

On the 4th of February 1945 the heads of governments of the US, Britain and Soviet Union met at Yalta in the Crimea for a conference to discuss postwar reorganisation of Europe. In reality this meeting was of 33rd degree freemasons tasked with dividing up Europe in a way that suited their divide and conquer tactics still further. FDR is a very well acknowledged Mason, member of Holland Lodge New York and was responsible for putting the all-seeing-eye on the American dollar bill during his time in office. Churchill is also undeniably a Mason , member of Studholme Lodge in England. No direct evidence links Joseph Stalin to Freemasonry but anyone with any intuition and knowledge on these subjects will know he very likely was. So 3 freemasons meet to divide up Europe, I'm sure they had no agenda whatsoever except to do the best for their represented people?


Three 33rd degree Freemasons divide up Europe.

Most believe this to be a 'V' for victory sign it is in fact a masonic sign for the 33rd degree, with 3 phalanges (bones make up the fingers) on both fingers 3 and 3 ... and the angle of the fingers is approximately 33 degrees.

A Clockwork Orange Exposed this Agenda?


There are two triangles in the movie poster both have an eye near the apex. The triangle signifies 2 merging into 1 in other words a left and right that are really the same!

 Stanley Kubrick's misunderstood masterpiece A Clockwork Orange appears to have a sub text that exposes this nefarious European Agenda. A movie with many themes, totalitarianism and Nazi-ism feature prominently and can be understood in a way that exposes the EU for the Occult Elitist agenda that it was planned to be.  Firstly the music featured in the movie is Beethoven's 9th, 4th movement an Ode to Joy. In the original book the music used to condition Alex was Beethovens 5th so this was a deliberate and specific change by Kubrick for his movie. Why the change? Well one reason could be that the European Council adopted Beethovens 9th as their official anthem in the same year that Clockwork Orange was released! Years later in 1985 the European Union did the same. 

The worlds a stage?

Next we look at the fight scene in the movie between Alex and his Droogs and Billyboys gang of Nazis (above). Again in the book theres no mention of Nazi dress, so this is added by Kubrick. The scene takes place in a theatre, on a stage and is ridiculously fake and overacted violence almost like part of a stage show. Alex wears the bowler hat, associated with finance and Banking in Britain and theatrically defeats the nazi gang. Make of that what you will.

Opening sequence to Clockwork Orange. Flag metaphor?

The opening scene of the movie (above) is very interesting with this sub-text in mind. Firstly we see a red screen , which eventually after quite a bit of screen time changes to blue. Is this a metaphor for the red flag of nazism turning to the blue flag of the EU?

In the opening sequence we see this colour red ........


.....turn to this colour blue.

This is followed by a close up of Alex, clearly with a single stylised EYE , sat at the top of a pyramid of people. As the camera pulls back we see what appears to be opposite sectors of society sat mirrored to each other. Most prominent is a group of Hippy types on the left and some militant types opposite on their right, and the doorman, one black and one white. Is this a clever metaphor of the false left right paradigm that is used to divide and conquer those further down the hierarchy? 

I believe Stanley Kubrick was a genius and used his movies as a way of blowing the whistle on the agenda of the Elites. I think movies like Eyes wide Shut and Dr Strangelove give credence to this argument and add validity to the theories about A Clockwork Orange. Now many people reading all this information may well be thinking that the current neo-liberal version of the EU philosophy is nothing like the fascistic version that it evolved from and thats a positive. Its important to realise though that fascism is actually defined as control of finance industry and commerce and suppression of opposition. In other words it's a Corpertocracy and elitist monopoly. Thats exactly what we have today just a more refined and sophisticated version. 

"The great nations have always acted like gangsters and the small nations as prostitutes" .... Stanley Kubrick 

 “Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power.”  ... Bertrand Russell


Awsome work thank you upvoted.
I would really appreciate your feedback on my last post on the topic of freedom @marky

Strange bit of synchronicity ... I just independently read your post and upvoted and followed you before I saw this message. This is what Steemit is truly about to me, not begging for upvotes or following just anyone, but genuine free thinkers getting in touch and building momentum for real change ..... Please read my short philosophy on this in my post ...

Wow , glad you found my post.
I will take a look at your philosopy .

Feelings mutual my friend

Love this piece. Nice work! Excellent research.
A tangential relevant article (Prevent Brexit) from today may be of interest.

Upvoted, resteemed.

Thanks a lot much appreciated

Excellent work!Keep it up!
Upvoted and resteemed! Followed you!

thankyou very much , much appreciated!

Wow! what an excellent and well thought out blog.

I'm certainly aware of the Nazi aspect to this and that the EU was years in the making. With regards to comparing to Clock Work Orange, you're a far more intelligent person than I!!! Well done

Thanks for the compliment but its not intelligence just a love for knowledge. I think if we all keep studying and keep shining a light into these dark corners then we will change things for the better. Thanks for your support i enjoy your posts also!

Excellent, thought provoking work my friend. You have done your homework and your knowledge shines through like a beaming light of reality to a 48% that would prefer to remain shrouded in the darkness of idealism. Love the Kubrick observations as I'm also a huge fan, I did hear talk of a directors cut of eyes wide shut (well his intended version before it was hacked to bits) that due to it's content will never see the light of day. Will be checking out your other posts tomorrow and keep up the good work.

Thank you very much for the encouragement and support perceptualflaws, I'm well aware that even on an open minded platform like Steemit some of the areas of Alternative research I want to get into may be a bit extreme for most, I was hesitant at first to share knowledge on a public platform, knowledge that has taken many years to build up .... I think maybe from few things you said you had similar apprehension? However thanks to people like yourself I realise that theres a huge benefit to writing on here , even if I only connect with a handful of people who are on the same page then its well worth it. So thankyou for your kind words and thankyou for also spending your life aquiring wisdom, to me thats the true calling of the warrior.

No problem my friend, I only give credit when I feel it's due and I appreciate both your knowledge and respectful approach to life. Yes I know exactly what you mean because I certainly share your apprehension but at the same time chatting with people like yourself is also affirming. I suppose if this platform is one of the last gasps of genuine free speech then maybe we should try and turn those gasps into shouts. Thanks for your compliment, from my perspective no knowledge is ever wasted and no thought is lost. No matter how insignificant we may feel our voices are (and I speak this to anyone that may read these words) and even if we don't make huge sums of money from our posts there is a value to every letter we type and every word we speak.

love this article, he has a crazy connection with david bowie also.

I didn't know about that maybe you could write something on here about it I'd be very interested to learn. Both extraordinary men

ok i will look into putting a piece together on it, its some crazy stuff for sure,. thanks for the interest and suggestion.!

Just followed you and upvoted your post on Hermetic Principals , I love esoteric knowledge I think you'd like my post about the number 13 ...

Let me know what you think :)

ill look at it right away!