I ask "what's to debate?" in context with policy. How can anyone argue with his "Split 50!" prescription? I might get there a bit different than his idea of being the sole curator of a large pile of assets, but the end game is the same. END THE FED... ALL OF IT; sell off the stuff and split the loot evenly by US House district. Then his concept of having each state become its own sovereign nation, brings the arguing about "how to govern" out of the federal level, completely. A great start.
Now, to be realistic: What happens if he wins and enough Americans want him to do this? Oh, boy. Libertarian NIRVANA in all 50 states. The professional masturDebators within the ranks will be in their glory! Each state will have to carve out a new Constitution... Some will erase that national government and revert things to the respective counties, as Patrick Smith is proposing in Texas. Again: tough to argue against this goal.
Well, Adam needs some competition; he's getting a bit too comfortable for my taste of late; he's been sitting on his "Big Easy" ploy with a bit too much confidence. I mean, I don't know who you are, but just for shits and giggles, what if you are John Stossel, bringing with him Kennedy as the VP sideKick? cy'a Adam................ Right?
I look forward to seeing what you toss into the mix! Put me on your mailing list. LCharles14@yahoo.com