The system is natural, its nature. Mother Nature gave life to me and sustains me. That is my perception. There are many ill beings in the world, because they have negative lifestyle habits. It is not one or a few or a groups fault that anything is the way it is. If you look at how complex our society it, one can only marvel in how glorious it is, even with its flaws.
When an anarchist is "gun ho about how wrong the system is", they're not talking about mother nature or dismissing all of the beauty and wonder in the world. They're not attempting to talk about that stuff. This is kind of a twist to a different "system".
If someone tells you 3 * 3 = 9 they're not saying life is simple and this is all you need to know. They're saying that at least this much is true, that it for sure isn't 17, and then you can go from there and explore life further.
Nothing is perfect; there are two sides to everything. I prefer to entertain only that which is positive. As giving attention the the darker side of life only feeds it more.
I can't really object to that mantra, but you seem to go against it when you criticize anarchists and say you laugh at them. If you think there are two sides to everything and nothing is necessarily wrong, then talking about the system might not be wrong either. So you can't have your cake and eat it too, you can't criticize anarchists for what they do wrong and then say you only entertain the positive side.
It's possible we very much agree. It's hard to know exactly what hypothetical behavior we're really talking about without specific examples. I too see people who call themselves anarchists behaving in ways that seem to feed statist/hierarchical energy.
But I don't think merely talking about your beliefs qualifies as this. There are positive ways to express these beliefs and negative ways. And since we live in a world where "the system" (or hierarchy or whatever we want to call it) does exist, the idea that we just shouldn't express what we think about it seems pretty damaging.
In general though I do like your outlook on things, and I agree that actions are most important. I was raised to kill for my food. To think it's normal. I think people sharing their beliefs about why that paradigm is wrong has helped me to be better, to take better actions and to stop doing it.