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RE: The immorality of those advocating immigration - no plan?

in #politics7 years ago

After watching Tim Pool's series in Sweeden after Trump's tweet, I'm most interested in you. Can you publicly bring up questions like this in Sweeden? Or will you be called a racist for having questions and concerns?


Hi! Thanks for the question. I'm not swedish! I'm Norwegian. I suspect it would be very hard to bring up questions like this in Sweden. Unfortunately they have gone too far. It's hard to explain, even for someone living close to Sweden, and seeing all that crazyness that''s going on there - it's hard to believe it. In my opinion they are a really open and nice people. Unfortunately they are also very naive and have a lot of trust in their authorities. We do have that in Norway and Denmark too, but we're a little bit tougher and outspoken. And all scandinavian countries have perhaps to a even bigger degree than other western countries been told and accepted the false narrative that we're harming the world and other people. We're not being taught to have any pride in all the good things western societies have provided the world, and from school age we're just being taught about slavery, pollution, the evil of capitalism, how "we" exploit poor countries (we = our governments, but they twist it so that it sounds or seems like it's us common people)

And of course we're being taught that every human being is the same, and instead of valuing our differences and learning to be critical towards some of those differences, it's hammered into our minds that if only everyone had equal opportunities, we would all be on exactly the same level of wealth. Which is of course insane, but that's what they're implying to us from an early age.

Now, to answer your question; I could publicly bring up questions like this in Norway. Would I do it on let's say Facebook for all my friends and family to see? Nope. Being against mindless immigration (with no plan) is considered "tacky" or redneck-ish. Norwegians and scandinavians in general are very liberal. You can compare us to Californians. People are generally positive towards everything, they don't have a lot of opinions. They are usually most conserned with redecorating their home, going on holiday, work, exercise and popular culture. If you would bring up immigration around the dinner table in a normal middle class family it would get very awkward indeed.

But there are voices in the mainstream media with concerns, and even blogs and online newspapers that are somewhat regarded as OK.

The biggest difference between Norway and Sweden is that in Norway at least we do have a public discussion on these topics without calling the opposition nazis or communists. But as people are cowards, including my self to a certain degree (although I'm not afraid to discuss it with open minded people, and It's hard for me to accept lies when people repeat them - and I will confront them) they read these blogs in secret while shutting their mouth about it in public.

In Sweden you better shut your mouth if you want to keep your job or even worse. Violent leftists have many destroyed lives on their conscience.

I'm glad to hear that Norway and Denmark haven't moved as far Left as Sweeden has. Apologies for calling you Sweedish, I've heard that can be considered an insult in your lands :)

I definitely understand what you're saying about not posting about certain topics on Facebook. I'm the same way. Maybe for me, it's less about people knowing my stances on certain topics, but more about me dictating when/where I want to have those discussions. I rarely discuss politics in person and I don't want every unpopular opinion that I have to be challenged when I meet up with friends or family.

Thanks for the detailed response!