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RE: #reclaimingLondon

in #politics7 years ago

You seemed to give this a fair evaluation and leant it a seemingly neutral perspective, but you give yourself away. Right at the end you question how do they rope Jeremy Corbyn into all of this? Well I distinctly saw Tony Blair and David Cameron in the sequence you're referring to also, in fact they were more prominent. The only agenda is to reclaim our country and that may mean a fight. The toxic form of globalism that the elites subscribe to, and they are in all political parties, is massively aided by the liberal left.


I'm not neutral and I don't claim to be. Neither are you. I am not sure how I gave myself away, or, indeed, what that even means. Yes, I saw Cameron and Blair there, and of course they are complicit in all this. This mass immigration happened on their watch. Sticking in Corbyn - who has nothing to do with it - shows their agenda. I don't remember seeing May, but perhaps she was there, but as the home secretary for five years, she is as responsible as anyone.

Yeah, you know, this "reclaim our country" thing is a euphemism. Why don't you say what you mean? You mean a civil war. And you know - it's never going to happen. There isn't the stomach for this fight.

Who are the "elites", by the way? I see them referred to all the time, but I don't know who they are.

And explain to me, please, about this all powerful liberal left. There hasn't been a left wing party in power for forty years, yet somehow, left wing politics are responsible for so many of our ills.

Genuinely, I do understand many of the issues pertaining to mass immigration. I am not blind to them, but I don't understand what the rhetoric of this propaganda piece is going to achieve. I am sorry to break it to you, but the Pandora's box of mass immigration is open, there's no closing it. I do think that mistakes have been made, but it is what it is now.

There will be no civil war, and people who are legally here will stay here.

ETA - Let's assume that you achieve your goal here, and "reclaim" London. What is it you are reclaiming, and who are you reclaiming it from? And by "reclaim", presumably you mean that you want to shift the demographic. To what? 100% white? 90%? What would satisfy you? Let's take 90% as an example. All hospitals would collapse. There wouldn't be enough staff to sustain them. And not just hospitals - services would collapse left, right and centre.

Who gets to stay? What criteria would you use? Where would the line be drawn?

See, it seems to me that these immigrants are now a part of the fabric of the UK (or London, if you want to make this distinction), and you can't just cut them out and think that everything will carry on as normal.

Honestly, I think I do understand your perspective, but the solution that you seem to be advocating a) has no chance of working and b) even if it did, the fallout would be appalling on so many levels. And to achieve what, exactly? A return to what? Some white Utopia?

It seems to me that if this is bothering you so much, you need to change tact if you really want to make a difference. I want to add though that I genuinely want to discuss this. I know I am disagreeing with you, but I am being civil, and I am attempting to be constructive. I do not know what it is you are actually suggesting here, because it all seems so unfeasible and unlikely.

It is abundantly clear that your thinking is completely influenced by the globalist agenda. That agenda is apparent in all political parties, mostly though in the Labour party and left leaning political parties. There is about 36% of the Conservative Party and the right which is true conservatism, that is the bit I can work with.

You actually believe that if we asked all immigrants to leave our society would collapse? You don't mean that surely. No country is dependent on another. The fact that you think it is demonstrates how influenced you have become by the liberal elites.

Our education system is overwhelmingly staffed by left leaning educators and so is the syllabus. It is now the that 8 out of 10 university lecturers are left leaning. The majority of teachers vote Labour. We have a mainstream media dominated by liberal globalist journalism. You must see it all around? But it seems to me you choose to ignore all of these things.

In answer to your question, London should be no more than 15% non-white. Why our governments chose to let the London population change to 45% white where a white person is in the minority is very strange indeed. Even you must ask yourself why would any British government let that happen? Why would they do that to their own people?

You know, you are guilty of using ad hominen tactics here. I am not getting all pissy or offended, but in blithely declaring that I am a victim of the "globalist agenda" you are criticising me, and not what I am saying. It's weak.

I still don't understand how this "globalist agenda" has managed to do what you say it has done. Where did they get their power from? Western politics is, by and large, dominated by centrist to right governments. Not right wing enough for you, clearly, but certainly not left wing enough to have been able to apply this agenda you say exists.

No country is dependent on another.

Uh, who argued that it was?

You actually believe that if we asked all immigrants to leave our society would collapse?

Uh, no, I didn't say that. I said that services would. 26% of doctors in the NHS are immigrants. The NHS is appallingly understaffed as it is. What happens if you get your way and you return London to being 85% white? And where did you get 85% from?

And who TF are these all powerful "liberal elites"? Seriously, where do these liberal boogie men live?

What conclusions are we supposed draw re the educators? That they are all a part of a liberal elite conspiracy? If that's the case, why do we have the most right wing government in power since Thatcher? Why is the gap between the rich and poor widening?

It is not that I ignore all "these things". I just don't use them to draw exaggerated, unsubstantiated conclusions.

Honestly, I think mass immigration is more down to hubris and ineptitude than anything else. I do not think that it was a distinct plan or policy. I know, you do. But you have very little to back that up.

You have ignored many of my point and questions. I get that, these replies would become small novels if we stuck to every point. But please, answer me this, because I think it central to this exchange.

How do you think you will get back to 85% white? What mechanism will achieve this? And what do you think this demographic shift will actually mean?

I am in no way using ad hominem tactics whatsoever, you just don't like or agree with what I'm saying, and that is because you have not done your research. The facts are out there. If you consider that as a form of personal criticism then that is a matter for you. I am not ignoring the points you raise I am addressing them entirely.

You are indeed a victim of the globalist agenda or you are a supporter of it. From what you have said thus far it seems to me you are a victim of it, as you come across as reasonably intelligent but under researched.

You argued that 'all hospitals would collapse. There wouldn't be enough staff to sustain them. And not just hospitals - services would collapse left, right and centre.' That is utter nonsense. We are not dependent on another country which by your very own statement is what you're saying.

You clearly take everything going on in your society at face value and are not prepared to look at what is going on behind the scenes. You believe that the governments who are elected control everything when they do not, in many cases they are simply puppets. You need to ask yourself who is pulling those strings?

You need to look at the Bank of England, the mainstream news media, television broadcasters and their content and the agenda behind their content. The BBC and Channel 4 springs to mind as the worst purveyors of globalist Marxist content.

Try researching liberals such as George Soros and his chums the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers. There's your starting point. Who controls the Bank of England?

In answer to your question the only way to reclaim London would be for a true Conservative government, not that of Mrs. May's, to have the courage to implement firm policies that significantly reduce further inward migration. Then we need to incentivise many of the foreign nationals who have already settled here to return to their native countries. If all that fails then sadly only violence will resolve the situation ending in a period of martial law.

You gave yourself away right from the beginning when you jumped to the defence of Jeremy Corbyn and provided a false statement that the video sequence only focused on him, therefore apparently 'scapegoating' him.
