He has done nothing wrong legally. This is a witch hunt at the highest level. I don't believe they thought he would win. I don't think Trump thought he could win. There has been so much corruption going on so long. The crimes of the last 8 years against us all is horrible. The Obamas cost us all most 1 billion on vacations alone. Does Trump realize how deep the state goes? . TRUMP DRAIN THE SWAMP BEFORE YOU DROWN!
I've never seen such disrespect by my fellow Americans. He won fair and not because of Russia, because Hillary would end America The 20 something s have no idea what America was like. How we want it to be again. Safe, energized, moral, hardworking real people. I've gone off subject.
I am afraid for us all if we don't pull together as a country United we stand, divided we fall.
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