How We Are Being Devided And Conquered - Left Against Right Live From Portland

in #politics6 years ago (edited)


There is a war going on between the left and the right and the victim is free speech. I can't believe what I am seeing but during the past years there has been a growing oppression of opinion. It feels like there is an agenda to shut up the right-wing voices. I don't take part in any of this division process but it concerns me a lot to see what is going on.

At this moment I am watching the double live stream of independent media journalists @lukewearechange and @pressfortruth. Both are in Portland, USA, where yet another rally between both sides takes place. Our two Steemians are dressed up in protective gear as they have made bad experiences in the past with violence at events like that. Usually they are targeted by Anti-Fa because both don't shy away to shed light on either side and dare to interview people from the right.

Check them out and wish them luck. I hear tons of gunfire and smoke granates going off now!

Live @lukewearechange

Live @pressfortruth

This is so sad because I believe in the end both sides are for equal values but are mislead by the traditional media to create a larger-than-life schism between them. And then there are indications that Anti-Fa is being paid by government agencies to create violence and chaos. This was particularly an issue at the G20 meeting in Germany, Hamburg last year but seems to be an old trick to devide even more and create fear in the public to go to demonstrations and speak their mind.

Another thing that came up in that regard during the past few days were the tour of right-wing activist Lauren Southern and philosopher Stefan Molineux. They were stopped to go to certain areas in Australia and New-Zealand and were also prohibited to give their speeches. I don't agree with their opinions, particularly those of Lauren, who I was able to see live at Anarchapulco 2018, debating with @larkenrose. However, I appreciate both of their opinions as a valueable addition to create ones own opinion. And what happened from government-side with them is simply shocking.

Here is a video talking eloquently about that matter:

A few days later when they wanted to go to New Zealand:

And here is the debate between Lauren and Larken Rose from Anarchapulco which is off-topic but a fantastic example of freedom of speech and opinion expressed at this beautiful event:

And then there was Lauren Southern again who was stopped to enter the United Kingdom and basically pushed over the French border in an incredibly rude matter. She was banned for TERRORISM. I couldn't find a good video of that although their are plenty of videos talking about that on Youtube.

Another case is of Tommy Robinson in the UK, a right-wing activist who got arrested for breach of the peace during a life stream reporting about some gang rapes. He was sentenced to 13 months but might come out after all according to latest reports.


Left against right and right against left is like the stupidest thing in the world. I think both sides just help to veil the real problems we are having, like a corrupt banking and money system, governments that rob us our freedom and let us pay for that service as well as a disconnection to our collective spirituality. However, there is clearly an agenda against more conservative opinions and acitivists and that creates a vacuum that will be filled by the anger of the right which will only fuel the anger of the left even more.

At this moment I miss #anarchapulco more then ever. The vibe there was totally different and it was like we were all connected. And that was not just a feeling we all had. It is universal truth! So, let's unite and tackle our problems together.

Send some love to Luke and Dan who report live from Portland.



I see it as more of a class war. If they can keep the working class divided against itself, this would prevent them from uniting together to cast off the yoke of the upper classes. Hence the need to wall us off left vs right.

BTW, you might want to say: Portland, Oregon as there is another well-known Portland in the State of Maine and many others too

Here we would say for example: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania instead of Philadelphia, USA as there are more than one (Philadelphia, Mississippi Philadelphia, Tennessee etc.) nationwide :)

Yeah, I agree. It is rather a financial thing then an ideological one. I hope cryptos can settle that problem for us once and for all.

It's unreal how oblivious most people are to divide and conquer tactics. Hating one another only fuels the forces that created the division to begin with. Anti Fa is probably more dangerous than any alt right element because of their self righteousness and ignorance.

Yes, they don't even listen to arguments anymore. They are just confrontational and want to make it worse.

yes i agree Here we would say for example: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania instead of Philadelphia, USA as there are more than one (Philadelphia, Mississippi Philadelphia, Tennessee etc.) nationwide :)

mislead by the traditional media to create a larger-than-life schism between them

Yeah its a shame as now its all so polarised no one listens to the other even though, when they do, they realise they have the same goals anyway.

When you try to suppress, oppresse and repress anything, it just keeps raising it's head up. So if the left thinks they can repress the right, they have anything coming.


Yeah, we are around and never going anywhere.

Swirlie in da swamp.

Come see what Love has done! I say that you will obey me and live! The crimes will be judged! You come inner and overstand what has truly taken place and index with the universal peace index or be totally and forever eliminated by the enforcers of RIGHTEOUSNESS IN EARTH! Come! See, hear, feel and weigh it for yourselves. Yahlove to all people Yah Truth, Peace. Freedom, Justice, Love which for all wicked MUST BE TOUGH! Come biaficate against We The People's domestic enemies as sworn to by our partiotic CHIEFS of this land who are largly of the black indian tribes the children were all raised to lie all came from Africa. They're NOT...They are TRUE HEBREW CHILDREN OF MOST HIGH YHWH YAH ALL LAW IN DEED. Prove yourselves innocent now and index! For it is written: YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND THAT TRUTH SOVCPR HAS MADE US FREE IN DEED, LAW, ALL TRUTH VALID LAWS UPHOLD, BY FREE OPEN TRIALS AND TRUE JUSTICE OVER ALL HUMAN VIOLATORS RAPING, LYING, HUMAN TRAFFICKING, MURDERING LYING ON THIS LAND AGAINST US PREVENTING US FROM SPEAKING OUT PUBLICLY ON HUMAN RIGHTS!!!!
Heaven has arrived in us! We know all your 242 years of criminal pedophying on this land abusing this family tree the Cherry Tree the name original flag of this land was chopped by liar George Washington Yes HE WAS!