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RE: "Mixed Mental Arts" - Episode #346 - Getting to the Root of the Problem- Lawrence Lessig

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

The more local and small the governance is, the better off people are. Let's agree on some basic definitions though first please.

Government, as defined by me at least, is not governance. Government implies monopolies, double standards, and special protections. Humans do not seek those things and never would if they were properly informed. Therefore, I'm all for governance, leadership, and organization by humans. We'll always have those things.

What I don't want and reject is rulers. Rulers have those special protections and double standards. They have monopolies too. As humans we should be equal under the law, and the law should be simple and based on damage done to property and harm done to humans. You would also have contract law (keeping your word).


I agree with the general idea of non-rulership. However, on a philosophical level 9and through life experience) I find it a bit difficult to conceptualize a state void of rulers. I don't mean in the sense of formal rulers (ex. monarchy, technocrats, etc.) I mean that human nature is such that SOME people REQUIRE a certain degree of "rulership" - not so much in the NEGATIVE sense of the term, but in the practical one. For instance, disabled people (depending on the nature of the disability) often NEED other people to "rule" over them - or perhaps "manage" basic tasks in their lives. Also think of the whole "power of attorney" concept. If there was no "rulership" for these people they would be WORSE OFF. In other words, I believe that the natural state of human nature is one of INEQUALITY. However, I DO agree with you that corrupted human POWER is major factor in the problem, and object to it as well. This is why I am arguing that technologies like blockchain - which TAKE OUT a significant amount of the corruptable human factor are a step forward in SIGNIFICANTLY MINIMIZING the destructive results of corruted human power abuse.

Disabled people don't have people assisting them forced upon them. If they don't want the help, they don't have to have it. They are not harming me by taking that help either unless I'm being forced to pay for it.

Signing over your rights to another is a voluntary action. Setting up a living will is too.

There will always be leaders for our species. I have no problem with leaders. They should not be protected by double standards and should be equal to me under the law. That's all I'm really asking for. When they are not, that is what makes them a ruler and not a leader. :)

I'm talking about VERY disabled people, who are so disabled that they CAN'T take care of themselves. You know that those type of people exist right? If not, then there is no need to continue the dialogue...

You think those people were simply left to die in the past? They were not. People voluntarily took care of them.