
So if i steal an apple and im starving and no one will that immoral?

Yes, it is. The word steal indicates immorality. Without the morality, the word would just be take. Basic morality is baked right into our language.

That's a lot of assumptions and quite the hypothetical situation. Food is all around people in temperate locations. It's there for the picking and doesn't belong to anyone.

Was the apple picked by a laborer from a tree on private property and placed in a bin at a private business that has profits and losses? If you took it from the bin without paying for it, you are a thief. It is unethical.

Food is given away free in many places on this planet for those without the knowledge to forage it for themselves. The key is that it is given away voluntarily.

No one owes you their labor, their time, or their lives spent performing it. No one is your slave either. Let me guess. You're against private property too? Should no apple be "owned?"