What can you do with 5 USD in Venezuela?

in #politics7 years ago

Greetings Steemians, on this occasion I bring a subject that generates curiosity to many, all or at least the great majority of us know the difficult situation that Venezuela is going through, where inflation has become the second highest in the world and the purchasing power of the people has been devalued so much that up to this moment the average Venezuelan only perceives the miserable sum of 5 U. S. dollars a month.

Today, December 8,2017, the Dollar is quoted at: 95.440,00 Bolívares (after it passed the 100.000bs barrier at the beginning of the week).

Just as at the present time, the minimum wage stipulated by law and which unfortunately most Venezuelans receive is: 456,507.44 Bolívares, which are divided into Bs. 177,507.44 which is the salary earned and Bs. 279. 000,00 which is for concept of "Food voucher" for the exclusive purchase of food which leaves the monthly salary at about $5 USD, I put that figure to round off as it approaches.

back to the main topic:

What can you do with 5 USD in Venezuela?

You can buy a packing of 30 eggs between 120.000,00 and 150.000,00 Bolívares (1 dollar with 30 cents aprox).

You can buy one and a half litre liquid milk between 45,000.00 and 60,000.00 Bolívares (about 50 cents).

You can buy a pack of 12 disposable diapers for babies between 150,000.00 and 200,000.00 Bolívares. (2 dollars approximately)

You can buy a Medium Deodorant for Lady or Gentleman between 60.000,00 and 120.000,00 depending on the brand. (1 dollar approximately)

And with the 20 cents we should be left if you're lucky you can buy 7-8 small French breads that can be bought between 1,500.00 and 3,000.00 Bolívares.

Already with the purchase of these basic commodities that I have just mentioned and that in other countries are so common and affordable has blown up the monthly salary of an average Venezuelan and has no other choice but to wait until the next month.

As you can see, it is not that things are terribly expensive in Venezuela, but that the currency has devalued so much that it has reached levels where even printing banknotes costs more than the value they have in the streets and therefore are no longer produced.

To give you an idea of the magnitude in which the currency has been devalued in Venezuela:

An air conditioning of 12,000 btu cost between 800 and 1,200 bolivars in the year 2,012 (less than a French bread), nowadays its price can range from 12,000,000,000.00 to 18,000,000,000 bolivars depending on the brand.

In short, this situation has caused many Venezuelans as never before in history to leave everything behind and emigrate or to do what is impossible to get jobs where they can trade in foreign currencies since the Bolivar is worth almost nothing.

That's why many Venezuelans are so grateful that there are pages like Steemit that are of immense help in alleviating that hard blow that represents the current economy of the country in our pockets, I know that for Spaniards, Argentines, Mexicans etc... sounds strange but someone from here that can earn 10-12 dollars a month on the page is already receiving more than double a salary, it's incredible friends.

Well, I hope you liked this post and have been informed a little more about the current situation in Venezuela, I bid you farewell.


Muy descriptivo tu post... para muchos 5 dolares es nada, pero en Venezuela la situación es otra... y representa por lo menos algo de comida!

nadamas imagina si uno ganara 5 dolares semanales que son horita 6/7/2018 40.000.000 bs

Eres muy valiente, me alegra que aclares al mundo esto y me alegraria mucho mas, que escribas acerca de la gente despiadada que devenga dolares y pretende pagar el salario minimo en Venezuela.

Felicidades por ser origina hablando español en un foro donde predomina el ingles..

Muy informativo tu post para aquellos que desconocen la situación, tienes mi voto :-)

muchas gracias!

Mejor explicada nuestra realidad imposible. Lamentablemente asi estamos. Cuando tenemos un poder adquisitivo tan nulo generar dos o tres dolares diarios para nosotros es una tabla salvavidas en medio de la crisis.

Felicidades por ser original hablando español en un foro donde predomina el ingles..

Y pensar que para esta fecha 2018. Ya el dolar sobrepasa los 6millones (60BsS) y la economía esta cada vez peor

asi es amiga, ya este post esta ''obsoleto'' :(

El $ en Venezuela ya pasó la barrera de los 2000... pero, con el ritmo de incremento de la inflación, para cuando leas este mensaje (así solo sean unos días o incluso poco más de 24 horas) ya lo que acabo de decir estará obsoleto. El punto que no cambia es que el ingreso mensual en Venezuela de un asalariado en trabajo formal tradicional no alcanza para que viva, ni él ni su familia.
Por cierto, que revisando en la red vi una comparativa de los salarios de nuestra región y un amigo mexicano se quejaba de lo que pasaba en su país... pero incluso para el momento en que se publicaron los datos, su salario mínimo estaba casi 4 veces por encima del de mi país :( eso no le quita razón a su protesta, sino que nos da mayor justificación para buscarnos nuevas fuentes de ingreso, porque cuando cruzamos los salarios con la cobertura de la canasta básica familiar los resultados fueron deprimentes.

Great post! How can I vote for you? I'm new at this :D

Gracias amiga, al final del post aparece una opcion con un icono de una flecha hacia arriba, ahi se realiza el upvote al darle click

I'm sure God will do something! Venezuela will be a great country again :)

Thank you! We really hope that too..

eres de venezuela tambien?

Leer esto, en el 2018. Y, darse cuenta, que las cosas, han cambiado mucho -lamentablemente, en este caso, para peor-

Certainly my friend, it's a model that only serves the one who rules.