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RE: Some Families are Facing Real Political Divisions

in #politics6 years ago

Donald Trump os the right wings answer to the leftist extremism. I'm a young conservative guy so I understand that. Its the conservatives who are usually afraid to come out to family and friends so maybe you lean left and feel that Trump is the problem but he isn't. He's just the result of conservatives who are tired of being pished around. I don't like him much but believe me when I say that I stand by my beliefs and sadly the democratic party no longer stands for anything and only seems to attack the right as deplorables who just don't know any better. Look up past elections and tell me who each part saw as an enemy. The right focuses on outside threats such as Isis or Russia. The left on your republican neighbor for simply thinking different from you. I have many democrat friends. Actually almost exclusively and believe me I don't like to argue with them much but sometimes you have to when trying to defend your position. Luckily I haven't lost any friends after the election but the feeling of loneliness sometimes creeps its way in. Its tough to stand in opposition. I try not to judge others until I can personally listen to their opinions. I know for a fact that group think is a huge problem. I hope the divisoon ends soon but at times I feel that people won't learn until acts of violence start emerging across the nation that truly make them take a side.


There's something to that. I hope violence can be avoided at all costs; it isn't necessary. I respect people with different political views as long as they think for themselves and don't wish others any harm. For the opposition party, it's always been easier to attack rather than come up with original ideas for solving real problems. Hopefully, whoever is in power, we can focus more on solving problems and less on demonizing one another.

I hope it is too but I'm sure one side will try to use it and thats when I think people will wake up and vote for the side that doesn't advocate violence.