Hey everybody. To my knowledge the DOD IG has yet to find or properly account for the nearly 2 years of Federal Budget that is missing.
This is enough money for a $10,000 universal basic income for 325 million residents for two years. This is probabaly enough to build Trumps wall all the way around the earth maybe? It’s definitely enough for the wall and the all the other bullshit people run they mouth about they want to utilize coercion to force peter to pay paul in the name of patrick. Probably enough for many years of free post secondary school and other subsidies to large groups of workers already not super responsive to the market.
What would you buy for $6.5 trillion? Do you think it was just improperly accounted for, stolen, or gobbled up by black budgets? Do you think there is some secret space war and a stargate? Probably good use of money if intergalatic war we are fighting?
Or perhaps it was all stolen by a military industrial complex cabal?? Or maybe some other secret thing. Maybe Boeing and KBR and the whole gang in the revolving door gobbled it up.

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Didn't they "lose" 2 Trillion Dollars days before 911?
Wasn't it something like Rumsfield testifying before congress Sept 10, a day before the removal of President Allende in 1973, but instead in 01'? I think Rumsfield may have later asserted he meant only billion not trillion, 1/1000 the change, youd think a guy in Dr. Friedman's "Free to Choose" and held elite roles in the con game that makes everyone feel it's all fair and fine wouldnt make such a mistake, if that is the current public explanation from the apparently non fake news that babbles about a bunch of less costly crap incessantly but nearly hushed silent on missing 2 years of federal budget.
Nice job on the video! We live in a modern-day Tammany Hall, but instead of one "Boss" Tweed, they've multiplied like the billions lost into the black budget. They "removed" Allende from this life in '73 because he had the nerve to be elected President of Chile and wouldn't take orders from Washington. 911 swamped the news, creating a Tsunami of coverage which nicely hid any further talk of the ghost cash.
All they have to do now is get Kim Kardashian to "break the internet" again and none will be the wiser. It's amazing what a little butt-paste will do...
@fatkat I come from a country which runs on a parallel economy made out of black money. So I can totally agree with the fact that such large amounts of money is routed to other businesses which nobody looks at.
Idk looks like it's all a revolving door. Hopefully someday we will be free,
Stolen by the mobster ring of American Government + American Corporations .
I mean where else it is? You don't just lose $6.5 Trillion like you would lose your keys. "Damn I just can't remember where I put those 6.500.000.000 USD"
Maybe they misplaced it? Maybe all stolen by kleptocrats? Maybe for some black budget or secret space program.
I think it's safe to say that not only have they not yet been able to locate or account for the $6.5 trillion, they have not (nor ever will) begin to look for the missing money.
We will see, maybe we just need to wait a few years over half a century then we get most of it except names and addresses after 6 months of waiting, but we will see??
LOL! At which point we will be told that we have received something remarkable.
yep, and for all we know the real truths might have been destroyed and not preserved in records we get our paws on.
I think much of the 6.5 trillion is due to a failed, inadequate accounting system. The number is too large to have any degree of accuracy attributed to it since that much money was never appropriated by Congress in the first place. No doubt some small portion of it is real and has been siphoned of illegally by defense contractors who were paid for services and weapon systems they didn't provide. By definition the black budget can't be properly tracked as the accountants aren't given access to details.....just gross totals and who knows what got counted. Government is just so big that accuracy is not possible anymore. Personally, I ascribe to the principle that if more than 1000 people are involved in accounting for anything then their combined output product is almost guaranteed to be suspect.
we will have to see, hopefully someday blockchain fixes all this and ends unaccountability which will likely end militant information agencies drunk on state power.
"This is enough money for a $10,000 universal basic income for 325 million residents for two years. "
But why would we want to do that?
I think a ubi is much better than failed wars on terror and war on drugs,?
wouldn't giving everyone $10,000 be about the same as giving everyone nothing since it would cause inflation?
Yes. Whoever gets it first and spends it maximizes benefit from it. He who gets it last realizes very little from it because of inflationary price increases brought on by early spenders. The velocity of money would go through the roof.....think Venezula.
no inflation is a monetary phenomena, as long as the cost is paid for it would not cause inflation or not much. If we just print the moeny that would cause inflation. The way I undesrstand it inflation is a increase in the money supply without a concurrent increase in the utility valued by the market.
Or Tron becomes the world's richest man.
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They spent it all on cocaine and hookers is my guess
Well at least some of that comes back into the economy then hopefully?
The television news always reports scams, scandals and ripoffs but when it is the government doing it we barely hear any news about it. If I am not mistaken $6.5 trillion is like 7 times the stimulus bill passed in 2009. No way this kind of money can be lost without any track record. It is more than 10 times the crypto market cap all together. Crazy numbers.
Idk if the numbers are so crazy. We got nearly 1% of the population incarcerated, many for non violent conduct. We wage pointless foreign entanglements for vague reasons and at lots of lives and treasure. Hopefully we will be free someday. Steem is pretty dope, hoping to start doing new videos thanks to steem.
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