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RE: Trump Injured in Shooting at Rally in my State, the Shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks is Dead

in #politics8 months ago (edited)

Our Constitution ensures that each citizen has the right to bare arms (own a gun), which makes America unique among the countries of the world. The laws on that vary depending on which state you live in, with say New York state being less permissive, and say Texas being more permissive.

I would not want to live in an America where the people were disarmed.

It's one of those things that may be either good or bad depending on how you look at it. The 2nd Amendment was included in the Constitution as a reaction to monarchies of Europe having the authority to disarm the people. The founders of our country didn't want the people to be disarmed, and a despot leader running roughshod over the people. If a dictator tried to take over the US, he'd have to deal with the 400 million guns being owned by the people who would fight and die (if necessary) for their freedoms.


Oh! that's a new perspective but here education and a sense of great responsibility comes into play besides the law to not take the unfair advantage.

When I lived in Germany for 5 months back in 2017/18, I had to learn to relax from the constant vigilence needed here in the US. We hear gunshots here at night almost every week. My first week in Germany was tough because it was almost too quiet with no gunshots or the sound of cars blasting loud rap music at 1AM... I think I'd like a place like Switzerland, where they are armed but have a national sense of mission and are blessed with common sense.