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RE: Debbie Wasserman Schultz is going to keep making news for the next couple of years

in #politics8 years ago

Im for good old fasion burning if we find death worthy stuff, just saying like the pedogate stuff if true in its entierty the punishment has to fit the crime.
Leathal injection sure we leave dignifide but it just dosnt fit the bar of raping and eating kids for some live stock god.
Gas is scary but tainted by nazis,electric chair takes to long not enough visual and to much clean up if you doing it the dirty way.fireing squad would be well to quick.
Which buring i feel feel would fill the gaps others dont.
its bright,the person gilty feels what your anger feels as you intened it.
clean ups a breeze and hey if a breeze comes in the work is either sped up of cleaned up.
also it would involve the satuday afternoon american pass time at the same time;which is grilling.
Just dont eat the guilty or we might have to throw more coal on the fire or get more propane.
Theres anouther angle right there.
in fact theres more than one way burn a which.
White phosphorous,micro waves,lasers,wood,coal,ect.
We could make a industrial revolution of makeing ther hell on earth.