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RE: Economism: The Philosophy of Wealth Being Everything

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I am thankful for the fact that my questions were of use to you.

Yeah, exactly the underlying culture is the problem. Institutions such as governments are a reflection of people and politicians are people; so if the people are sick and disconnected, which I don't see why this can't be true, then we are going to have a corrupt and evil institutions.

Problem is to stop focusing on this. We continually reaffirm these statements to each other of the sickness and mistakes but after having done so: How do you feel? For my turn I feel the same as before, and sometimes even worse. Not easy to find a sensible activity and examples of good practice, no?

Focusing on reform and the economy is rather superficial and not getting to the root.

We must focus on economy and dig deep into it. Economy is the thing we have to deal with. I copy you part of a reply I gave to someone else:

There is this German economist named Niko Paech. He talks mostly about an era of post-growth economy and delivers particular solutions for de-growth. Which does not mean to eradicate global trading chains but to substitute some of the products for which this is sensible and possible. The study you can find here:öglich/

Scroll down until you see the term "PRESSEMATERIAL UND WEITERE INFORMATIONEN" and then click on the first word "Digitale Pressemappe", you will download a zip-file where the PDF-document with the study can be found. It's in English! I highly recommend to read it.

Other than that: Becoming an ethical person is the root you mentioned, no?

Thanks for engaging with me.