The "only level"?
I haven't expressed such an opinion here anywhere. I uncovered a contradiction in my son's reasoning. Read this article of mine about corporate responsibility. I am familiar with the tragedy of the commons, and I am a friend of "Gemeinwohlökonomie" and the movement around Christian Felbert from Austria. Another important player here is Niko Paech from Oldenburg, who has launched some quite remarkable initiatives in the city of Oldenburg.
We need such local examples. Best practice is still the biggest inspiration for change. The bosses are in the end only people who are afraid. If the people themselves behave less fearfully, but empower themselves to think and act independently, that can only be good.
We live in cellular societies that can receive a possibility of mutual contagion through modern communication channels. Read also about systemic consensus. But you have to co-operate a little and strain your head. I am a practically thinking person and for solutions to be put into practice.