
This crony command banking and transnational fake capitalism (globalism) is in fact a form of communism/socialism. All losses are socialized to the individuals of the world and the gains go to the politically connected. Even in the USA we do not have capitalism. You have more free markets for average people in places like Mexico where people can start micro-businesses without any regulations. Central banks are a tennant of communism. We have a market economy only for the politically connected monopolies or quasi monopolies. The lawyers of these transnationals write our laws and regulations. Venezuela is a case of a local socialism vs an international socialism. Both are bad.

My first post is some what relevant.

Thank's for what you do Luis. I love anarchast español! Saludos

Us ancaps must not forget that we are not pro-corporation per se. We are pro-individual liberty which includes business. A corporation is a legal entity created by the state. I'm Not saying that every business that uses a corporate entity is bad since individuals find themselve's forced to incorporate but it's part of the distorted command centrally planned regulated economy.

Socialism is where the workers control the means of production

No it's when you become a slave to the government

totally agree with you

I'll follow you, follow me brother, need like minds to stay together

As opposed to competent control of production.

Hey, it's not my fault other countries suck.

its the fault of capitalism. You fight to uphold capitalism. It is your fault.

Haha. Really? You're going to blame the failures of socialism on capitalism?

followed and upvoted. yes you are totally correct! thank you so much! <3

I listened to your podcast and I think you are making a lot of emotional arguments to focus on a very small part of the larger picture.

First of all, Venezuela went full blown socialist in several ways. Here are just a few.

  1. The state imposed price controls and limited the production of basic goods by making production unprofitable. They basically drove the economy to a single commodity market.

  2. They subsidized an unsustainable welfare state with oil revenue. Poor were promised housing, education, healthcare, and other expensive benefits. To pay for this, they sold oil in bulk overseas. So when the price of crude went down, so did their economy. Again, putting all their eggs in one government-run basket.

  3. The monetary policy (and control of it) was imaginary. The state pretended to have control over the price of the currency. They thought they could control the price of property, goods, services and wages and simply print money to make up the deficit. They recklessly printed money to sustain that policy and made their fully imposed and mandated currency completely worthless.

Now I'm not saying embargos and deep state influence didn't play a factor. But it was kind of the fat man that broke the camel's back. A stronger camel could have taken the weight. A freer economy could have taken the weight. But this was a country which despised business and profiteering except in the hands of a few government oligarchs, just like every other socialist system. It was bound to fail with or without outside influence because it's a weak and inefficient system.

185% agree. If the Venezuelan government hadn't been complete and utter garbage when it came to economics, they likely wouldn't be having this problem.

socialist Venezuela?

You doesn´t know nothing about this. I´m venezuelan. This is a real totalitarian socialism! and please, if you think that this is true, please come here and (try) to live at least a few months. Hunger, murder, crimen, drugs... censorship, and so on! how you can say that! you ignore many things.

Socialism is where the workers control the means of production.

Thank you for informing us about your experience from the inside. It's oil industry and welfare state is definetly socialism. The rest we can't know since we are not there. Please keep us posted and inform us of what you see. Stay safe and I'm sorry for your situation. Saludos!

Thank you for you attention. Right now, I´m decided to write about Venezuelan situation. I think is very positive to do it and let the world and Steemit community to know what happen here. Greetings, have a nice day!

The tyrannical regime is true. I am not denying that. However, the lack of trade with other countries (embargo) is real, too and it hurts a lot.

But is false, here is not an "embargo"... the regime does not pay to another countries and the investor have no guarantee of his money or property be safe. That´s the question: if you don´t pay, nobody want to trade with you, right? This is the situation her in Venezuela. The regime doesn´t pay and no country or international traders want to make deals in those conditions.

And the suffer and hurts in Venezuela is consequence of the regime, Chavez and Maduro. Not for the lack of business.

i take you did not listen to the podcast.

I did not have time, can you give me a summary

basically that its freer than most other countries and its not socialist.

freer in what sense?

Listen to it. It's only like 12 minutes. Then decide for yourself.

yeah i try to keep them short. i know im incredibly busy so i try to be mindful of everyone's time.

Hey, @anarchyhasnogods is flagging my posts here just because he disagrees with me politically. That commie bastard.

commies are gonna commie

This post was very informative thank you for sharing
you have my upvote
Keep smiling, reading, writing and voting!!!

I can summarize the reason Venezuela is screwed: socialism. Stop right there, say no more, socialism always has, always does now, and always will fail.

Here in Venezuela we face the hell of the socialism: live your life in your own terms is a crime: you must do what the PSUV, ANC and "mi comandante presidente" says. And pretend to be "progre" and all the problem is the fault of the enemies of the country. Is simple.

Te deseamos lo mejor para ti y tu patria!! Que tengan libertad!

Gracias, por favor, apoyen y protejan la libertad, la democracia y la economía de libre mercado. Es la única defensa contra el totalitarismo.

not saying Socialism is not a reason why they are in the shit hole.. i'm saying its also way deeper than that.

@emancipatedhuman I just found you here from Facebook! Another follower and fan!

<3 thank you!!!

Remember that Communism works toward entablish the communist state, that it´s the very abolition of itself toward an communist anarchy, life it´s bearable with the state where citizen works toward goals and not bellow the lash of a political party.