Hey Everyone!.. and most importantly all of you from the UK! I do hope that tagging you all is not too much trouble.. its not something I've done before, and nor do i intend to do it again.. but once in a while we hear about something that SEEMS to have slipped under the net. It's fair to say that there are so many distractions that we may totally miss a piece of legislation that threatens to undermine the way that the UK government has, until now,. remained somewhat checked and balanced .. Let me explain!...
I was watching a YouTube video yesterday from the 'blackbeltbarrister'. He has set up a petition in order to bring attention to a recent news article written by the Times Newspaper. The article speaks about a new act that is being discussed by the current UK Government, led by the one and only Boris Johnson. Let me just say that it is becoming increasingly obvious that he and his assistants seem to be making a mockery of our democracy, and today's news only serves to highlight quite how bad things have become.
We all know that our politicians are compulsive and paid liars, but who knew that they even practice lying together! Well today ITV have had enough of this charade and have published quite disturbing footage of his staff trying to see how they can deceive us about the most controversial issue of them holding a party at 10 Downing Street whilst the rest of the UK population were in full lockdown.
Please feel free to check that out in the below:
Today Boris Johnson is hanging on to his Leadership by a very thin thread.. but lets be honest.. it doesn't really matter who is in power these days as the same strings are always pulled by those with the money and power to really influence Uk law.
Speaking of UK law, this brings me to the main point of this post! Those of you who have studied politics will have heard of a rather old and very important part of the UK political system. It is called the Separation of powers, and it seeks to maintain some kind of checks and balances on the law makers. Under this rule the state is divided into three different branches- legislative, executive and judiciary each having different independent power and responsibility on them so that one branch may not interfere with the working of the others two branches.
These rules have been in place since 1748, and most importantly allow judges and their interpretations of the law to be independent and free. Whilst im sure you can find many examples of judges being imperfect, they have until now had a great measure of freedom to judge and set precedent on many laws. They are immune from any government pressure or influence (at least legally speaking), and have almost total freedom to say and do whatever they deem to be just. They are quite powerful and represent the best checks and balances that we have to ensure that Government can be held accountable for their actions. No one else can punish or overturn the Governments rules except judges! You could say the House of Lords have this power, but that is very rarely exercised and most of them are just puppets or former politicians.
The Times Newspaper has reported that the UK Government, currently led by Boris Johnson, seeks to implement a new law that allows it to overrule and reverse the decisions of the Judiciary that it doesn't like by way of an "annual review" of the courts' decisions - the "Interpretation Bill".
Why is this important?
The separation of powers is critical to safeguard citizens' rights and liberties and guard against tyranny.
The Supreme Court explains further:
One of the earliest and clearest statements of the separation of powers was given by French social commentator and political thinker Montesquieu in 1748:
‘When the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same body of magistrates, there can be no liberty... there is no liberty if the powers of judging is not separated from the legislative and executive... there would be an end to everything, if the same man or the same body... were to exercise those three powers.’
According to a strict interpretation of the separation of powers, none of the three branches may exercise the power of the other, nor should any person be a member of
any two of the branches. By creating separate institutions it is possible to have a system of checks and balances between them.
But the United Kingdom does not have a classic separation of powers that, for example, applies in the United States.
Quoting the Times:
Jolyon Maugham QC, director of the Good Law Project, which brought a series of legal challenges over Brexit, said: “It is clear to me that the real aim of this government is a more compliant judiciary. It’s very important the government doesn’t do anything more to weaken the delicate constitutional balance we have. This executive can and does bully its MPs to get what it wants . . . All judges do is uphold the will of parliament.”
The bottom line:
If the Government succeeds in this 'annual interpretation' of judicial decisions, together with the power to reverse and/or overrule decisions it does not like, it will, in essence, diminish the authority of the judiciary and give the Government far too much control over the lives of the citizens of the United Kingdom.
This is serious stuff and represents a major change in some fundamental rules that have 'kept us safe' from laws that are unjust or unconstitutional. If you would like to listen to what the blackbeltlawyer has to say on the matter you can watch this clip below.
IF you think this is not OK, I urge you to please sign the petition. You can also sign this if you are NOT from the UK so this petition is open to everyone. You can find and sign it here:
Thank you for listening, and please do share your opinions in the comments. Do you think the time has come for Boris? Who will replace him? Does it even matter!?
Sounds like this kind of thing is becoming a trend. We've got Daniel Andrews working his way to dictatorship over in Victoria.
Yeah its hard to look at what’s going on in oz! Wowwww
The power of government is in hands of a select few that have corrupted all nations of the West. Like a corpse consumed by maggots, government reveals to a casual glance the outward appearance of the living creature that has died, but wriggles and squirms with the corruption consuming it from within. But a moments attention reveals the writhing of the skin, maintained to shield the feasting maggots from the disinfectant of sunshine and the identification by those that would destroy them.
I support lawful government, and the democratic freedom of people to govern themselves, but this has long passed, and will not prevail as the hollowed out shell of the vital creature it once was. The maggots have consumed it's substance, and all we are left is the outward appearance, the skin rippling as they feast on our hope, our dreams, and strength we put into it.
I urge you and all humanity that see our exigency, that see we are at war, to dedicate your full strength and attention to blessing your neighbors, to building your community, and to creating the networks and means of production that will provide your food, power, and the goods and services necessary to your, and your people's, survival when the social credit algorithms, CBDC, and vaxpass are able to starve you into submission or death.
Only by our own hands will we win.
nice speech! wow!!! <3
The situation is more complicated than this. In truth, the people have far more power than they think and the statutes and acts are only given 'the force of law' by the 'consent of the governed'. There is a clear confusion by the way that the politicians are technically employees of the people, yet repeatedly act as if the people are their servants. This is partially because the parliamentary system has been pulled over the eyes of the people and their innate right and judicial system has been so heavily denied. In reality, if enough people know the difference between lawful and legal, there could be a huge shift - but discussion of this is heavily repressed.
It is abundantly clear that these tyrants are both evil and intend evil things for almost everyone. However, begging and pleading via petitions is not the answer.
i know what you say! i wrote a post last week saying that petitions are pointless.. and they are in a way,.. compared to demonstrating! BUT.. i had a feeling this one was somehow worth showing some support for..
ALoha! <3
Aloha! I think that demonstrating is also a poor use of energy. Fundamentally, governments are based on the lie that someone can delegate a right to someone else that they themselves don't have! The idea that I can pick someone to ruler over other people that I myself cannot rule over, is simply false and is the basis for the majority of human suffering. Demonstrating and petitioning is all still based on not addressing this fundamental error and so will never really solve anything. The system is designed to not give us an 'ejector seat' to use in case the system becomes really tyrannical. All we have is violent revolution really - which is why they go to to such great lengths to weaken the population and demonise anyone who speaks out as being akin to a 'terrorist'. It's all evil.
its true also..
my money is on.. WHISTLEBLOWERS>>
i believe that is about the best way for us to all remove the veil and just bypass denial.. sort of.. well sometimes..
ive noticed more of them happening lately though.. and hope maybe one day..we can have mass whistleblowing day! that would be something can u imagine if everyone told their secret!!
Yes, that's part of why I created the Whistleblower series on Steem/Hive. However, I've noticed more and more that it's only a small percentage of people who ever even begin to look into all of this and it is generally people over 35/40. A lot of people under 30 are totally bought into the false narratives and are also egoic and cocky to the point that they won't even look at dissenting messages. We need whistleblowers, people who know how denial and psychology work, people who are willing to amplify the messages and people who are dedicated to putting all the pieces together. We need to heal, balance and evolve just as much as we need to gain access to hidden truths!
yes, it takes time.. seems like a lot of time from our short existence.. but.. perhaps quickly in the grand scheme of things..
im surprised to hear the younger folk are bought into this.. with the advent of youtube and internet.. very strange!
Thanks for the tag @eco-alex! I’ll sign this soon as I’m back from work. It seems Covid is being used to hide a lots of things that would otherwise be under the spotlight. Take these for example…
Terrible pieces of legislation and so much packed into them that most politicians won’t vote against it because they won’t really no what they are voting for or against.
thanks! yes.. i think so.. its like an eternal distraction...
glad ur signing!
It's scary times and he keeps getting away with it. Signed and shared.
awesome! yeah he can absolutely lie through his teeth and yet still he remains in power! a sign of the times
I'll sign it, but what we need is for people to use their votes at some of these by-elections to show the government they are unhappy. Turnout is usually low, so a few hundred votes can make a difference. The opposition need to make it an issue. Our rights are being taken away by a party that laughs at us.
thats great news.. and yes i agree..
right now Boris is receiving multiple demands for his resignation.. so the pressure is on him .. sadly everyone is furious about the issue of him having parties and not desecrating the rule of law!
p.s this is the first petition i think ive ever signed!
He's only ever sorry about getting caught and gets away with things that would be career-ending for others. Disgraceful and embarrassing for the country.
this one might end his career i hope.. hard to believe people take him seriously really.. amazing what we can get used to.. total clown who really doesn't have any care for truth.. as we ALL know from the BRexit Protect The NHS Bus scandal
Someone asked to be taken off the Brit list due to this post :( Mass tagging should really not be used as some will take offence. Can we make this a one-off?
I do think it's an important issue, but we also want to keep the community happy on Hive.
BTW Editing the post results in more notifications.
i know.. i get it.. this is absolutely a one off! was a tough call!! and thank you i was wondering if editing made more notifications!! ugh.. maybe ill delete them all shortly
Live and learn :)
This is why I think we need to make more use of communities. Could have a UK politics one for those who are interested.
I want to keep doing the list, but it will be a shame if we start getting spammers using it. I know you had good intent.
Once in a while you get a good tag and this is one. I will sign just now, unfortunately I think Boris will carry on, lying, cheating and attempting to dismantle the checks that keep the landed gentry in order
thanks! really glad you agree!!Phewph! normally i dont bother with petitions but this is one to sign for sure.. and yes of course boris and all his friends will continue their games.. which is of course why we at least need judges who can stand up for the people!
We do indeed. I have been following the Good Law Project for a while and it seems like they are the only ones who are truly standing up to the Tories. That's why they are desperate to kaibosh them, grrr!
Signed, thanks!
brilliant! nice job!
Thanks for the tag. I didn't know about this and have just signed.
perfect! thank you .. happy to see so many of us get it!
You have a cause to promote but I don't want to be tagged. Please untag me. Thanks.
ok done ,, apologies
Signed! 👍
Please remove my tag from your post. I do not use this platform to air my political views. Thank you.
yes understood, its done
No problem at all with the tag @eco-alex . I shall have a read :-)
"If ya vote counted they wouldn't let you have it."
This is why Brexit was such a big deal.
Because they fucked up they gave us a say.
They will try and avoid events like that at all costs.@eco-alex
Plus you can't trust in what they say or what they will stick too?
Show me one that does , they can't, it is a hidden corporate system you are trying to fight.
The ones really in charge.

The PM, the government the police are the tools.
Honestly i avoid politics and religion these days as much as possible both are used and abused.
So Sad:(
Good luck with the cause mate
thanks for this comment.. yeah i can understand why you would stay away from all this stuff.. i sort of do mostly.. but then sometimes i cant help myself when i see something like this!
Yeah fair mate,
Have the best one @eco-alex
I get it, this is part of why i am on Hive.
So not to have to get involved.
I have decentralized life goals LOL
The future is here, the vail has been lifted and we can do this from anywhere basically.
"We all have our journeys, just different paths that cross."
lets be honest here.. none of them are any good..... tories taking the piss cos theres no opposition in the form of labour.. cos they're as bad if not worse..
can we put my dog in charge?
yes.. totally they are taking the piss now..
just look how boris has this secret smile going on whilst he gets hammered by Keir Starmer.. well Keir is a pretty terrible opposition leader really.. so weak!
cant believe we dont have better options than this ! .. except your dog perhaps!
Problem is there is no opposition as who can replace them? Corbyn was so weak and terrible plus he had that other horrible women I have forgotten her name hanging around like a bad smell. Starmer is pathetic and useless. Crazy that there are no leaders around as look at the choices Biden and Trump as one should be asking who else as these are not voteable.
yes.. i was writing about this the other day.. unfortunately.. no one with any merit would ever want this job.. i mean.. this has to be the worst job in the world really!
ur right, there is NO one to replace them.. probably never will be until we see an end to money as we know it.. might take some time :)
thanks alex. good use of the tag as far as Im concerned. signed and shared : )
I am putting my faith in crypto overturning the system one day. The human condition has never been fit to rule for long. Hivemind Protocol deserves a chance!
thanks mate! good to know u approve of this ... and you signed! nice one!
and yes crypto is like part I of lets change this system for something completely different.. one day i hope all money and forms of it are totally irrelevant... only a matter of time really with the way tech is going.. i guess.. couple hundred years maybe.. :) Hive on!
I signed it. Petitions might not make a difference but this was very little effort to sign actually :).
Thanks! Yes its a couple of clicks to help raise awareness..
Not for me thank you. Please don’t tag me in any of your other political opinions.
I actually thank you for the tag! I may not have seen this post nor petition without it, we as the people have the right to defend our freedom and hold the gov to proper standards, sly actions have no place in them!
happy to hear this, thanks for letting me know!!!
Hope is the only thing we have sometimes that the next person we vote for is the right one. Hope this petition will get traction.
Why does this not surprise me... Thanks for letting me know! I'll pass this along.
I just do what I want when I want, I pay no attention to rules or politicians, that is how I deal with it, and no, I am not appealing to them with any petition, I am doing what I want, when I want. And I live in Poland now, maybe next year somewhere else, where the wind takes me, who knows hey.
nice one~! yes this is the way to live!
Hey Alex :) Thanks for tagging me - it's always good to engage with forward-thinking people, and even more so when they're asking the right questions, as you are...
What blows my mind over and over is the UNquestioning compliance of the masses. Clearly, the brainwashing propaganda is so successful (no wonder, due to the tools at the disposal of the abusive control system and its flunkies) that many are no longer capable of critical thought. What I see here in the UK is a lot of incensed people who are pissed that their 'rulers' broke the rules when they, themselves, adhered to them at who-knows-what cost... But they are spectacularly unable to go the step further necessary to realise that 'The No.10 Xmas Party Scandal' is all the evidence one could ever need to prove that the partygoers WERE NOT AFRAID of 'convid' - at the exact same time they were purposefully and relentlessly terrorising the public into being afraid to the point of surrendering control of their lives, liberty and decision-making process! Despite knowing WHY this is so, it's still astounding to see the denial/cognitive dissonance/doublethink taking over the minds of so many...
Left and right are two sides of the same authoritarian coin - two wings of the same bird. The day we break free as a species of the illusion that we need these psychopathic, parasitic racketeers will be the day we rise above them all and finally live free of bondage. I hope I love to see it.
Much love,