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RE: The Jimmy Dore Show Now on Steemit!

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

We don't need a revolution, we need to exercise the rights we already have. We have all the rights we need to change the way things are run and done but as pointed out in the video 1/2 the people don't vote. I might add to that "and those that do accept the notion that if they don't vote for a Democrat or Republican then I am throwing away my vote" is almost as self-defeating as not voting at all. I understand the feeling that we (the average citizen) are not being represented by the elected politicians, putting the blame solely on those with money and or power is only revealing some of the issues that have led us to this point. Making excuses for people who don't vote because they don't like the candidates offered is not going to solve the problem. If a person is able to vote and they choose not to, do they deserve to be represented? People don't have to vote only Democrat or Republican. Don't like who's on the ballot, then write someone in. Those that say "if you don't vote for a Democrat or Republican is just throwing their vote away because they are the only ones who can win" are the ones throwing their vote away. That is exactly what the Democrats and Republicans want you to think and act on accordingly to limit the competition and increase their power and control. There is a lot more to be said for overcoming the lack of representation of the common citizen then what was said in the video or in my response to it.