Heh. Until January 20th, it is just imagination and the monster under the bed. I'm waiting for actual actions. Then I will likely have something to complain about. Right now I can complain about words, and people that have been tapped for positions (which could change before Jan 20th) and what they MIGHT do.
I certainly won't be calling for an impeachment YET since I know that requires actual actions.
Yet this same article could have been written if Hillary had been elected. In fact, I would have had more concerns, because she does have a voting record as a senator and I've gone over that, and she does have a lot of questionable things (well beyond the emails) as Secretary of State. I at least has a fairly probable notion of what Hillary would be as a president.
For me it had nothing to do with her being a woman. If I had two candidates and one was a woman and one was a male and their actual policies and such were equal to me... I'd definitely pick the woman as a tie breaker.
I also don't buy into all the divisionary racist crap. I recognize ONE race. The human race. Skin color is something people are born with. It should not be emphasized at any time whether white, black, red, green, yellow, brown, etc. As long as emphasis is put on color (white or black) it will continue to concept of racism. It won't ever go away simply by switching targets.
Yet the violence, aggression, panic, emotional tirades, etc. That is coming from people letting their imaginations drive them into terror.
It is the monster under the bed scenario.
When the monster actually DOES something to show themselves to be REAL then we can deal with them.
If we spend tons of time fighting all the things our imaginations can conjure up then how are we actually going to recognize reality?
I didn't vote for Trump. I didn't vote for Hillary.
They both were horrible choices in my opinion. Had you forced me then I would have voted for Trump due to me really not having actual actions when he had political power that I could look at. So he would be an unknown gamble. I suspect he'll be bad because he is arrogant and an ass. Yet I can look at Hillary's record, and that is very bad. I actually liked her once until I started doing my due diligence and doing my own research.
I made a promise after 2008 to never vote for the lesser of two evils again. I kept to my word. Yet had I voted for I consider the lesser of two evils in this election the outcome would have been the same.