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RE: deleted

in #politics7 years ago

Latin was never a choice anywhere I went. I would have gone for that. Some people might go for a German course. I cannot say. German structurally made sense, and it is clearly one of the languages that English is derived from (among several).


German definitely makes more sense than English in many ways. Why do I have to write "German, I and English" with a capital letter, english and german are adjectives. I always thought about integrating some german grammar in my english. I also love that we write all our Nouns with a Capital Letter, helps reading a Sentence, in my honest Opinion.

articles are a bitch tho. We Germans can feel the right article for each word, it is bound to the word in our minds in some weird way. That is tough to teach :D

Well German and English can be a Noun or an Adjective. Generally when accompanying another word it is an adjective though, and I still lower case them myself in those times and spell checker and grammar checker start screaming at me. So when it is and adjective I can see it being lower case and I don't know why they do it that way other than whomever made that decision was stubborn and forced it upon everyone.

People make a very big deal about what is PROPER.

It's kind of silly since the ultimate goal is communication. If I know what you were trying to say then honestly I could care less where you put your commas, periods, and what letters you do or do not capitalize. Honestly, I don't care how you spell things either as long as I know what you were trying to say.

well, you already saw what happens if my brain brain goes wild, i start sentence even not read and. Then come back think "What wrote did"?

stuff like that happens to me in german as well tho. Even when talking :D

Yep, and I'll always be easy going on that. I don't care as long as I can somehow understand what you were getting at.

If you just post a quick quote when I really write some not understandable nonsense, i wont be offended, not a bit.

Heh. If I remember. I've conditioned myself not to care. So I likely will not remember. I find people that make a big deal about spelling annoying. I've never met anyone that was perfect at spelling, and that included the people that would make a big deal about it.

i hate people who use spelling as an argument, a lot actually. They think they can look down on people because they are in a higher class.

In posts i will point out any writing mistake i see tho. Most of the time in a very pollite and friendly manner, never condescending. Oh and only if I really care about the post or person.

so we start the Deutschkurs tomorrow?

Heh I'll try to keep an eye open for it but I'll be pretty busy all day at work tomorrow and into the night. Have some data center work to do.

Aight, I will postpone it then. Got Korean to do anyways :D

gotta go to sleep, thanks for all the support today. gn8

and ofc for the nice discussion as always ;)

bin doch noch wach. Ist sowieso schon 6 Uhr. Da kann ich lieber gar nicht pennen um mir den Schlafrythmus nicht kaputt zu machen ;)