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RE: Evil plus evil equals doubly evil

in #politics7 years ago

Educate-- that's a good thing.

Organize-- as long as you aren't organizing to violate someone's life, liberty, or property, have at it.

Unionize-- eh. Maybe. Is membership in this union voluntary for employees? Will the union violate the property rights of the employer? For every poor schmuck just trying to make a living by joining a union you have to remember the mobster getting rich off of union dues. I've had jobs where the management were horrible to the employees, but this behavior always cost the company, even though I've never worked in a unionized business. Being a jerk always has a price.


The fascist is telling me how to help organize folks. Amazing.

What is amazing is that a fascist is calling me a fascist when I'm the opposite. Oh well, socialists don't become socialists because they are bright.

Fascism is the authoritarian use of the State to (among other evil deeds) control business through "laws" and "taxes"; to get business to do the dirty work of the state-- pretending that the businesses are privately owned while they are in fact government controlled. The owners carry the burden while the State profits without contributing to the maintenance of the business. In other words, fascism is socialism, and socialism is fascism.

Antifa = fascist scum. Coercive, thieving, ignorant, dishonest, aggressive, authoritarian control freak monsters who can't stop molesting others. And they believe they are anti-fascist while they use fascism to molest others. But people are starting to see them for what they are. Just keep digging your hole deeper. It's funny to see.

Im glad youre anti state. Communists and anarchists are anti state. Welcome to communism!

Anarchists are also anti-theft and anti-coercion, so they are anti-communist. Sorry.

Nihilistic socialists destroying property and demanding "entitlements" are no more anarchists than my cat is a duck if I claim it's a duck.