A Little Context...
Lets try to put a little context into Donald Trump’s first year in office. I want you to really think about this for a minute and leave the partisan nonsense out of your thinking.
Suppose you’re Donald Trump and you’re sending out tweets every day. Tweets that attacked Australia’s president in the beginning of your presidency, a country that has stood with us through every war we’ve been involved in over the last century. Or you’re sending out tweets attacking Great Britain, and London’s mayor after they’ve just had a terrorist attack. Then you decide to attack one of our most steadfast allies in the world, with utterly disrespectful tweets directed at the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. You continue to attack American allies all over the world, and you constantly attack anyone who is critical of you and your policies. You follow up by attacking the media, deploying the same language that Stalin used, calling the media “enemies of the people”, and every unfavorable story is referred to as “fake news”.
You are constantly spreading lies about everything, even things that have no good reason to be lied about. You spread the lies every day, you keep lying to people about everything, and you just flood them in thousands of lies. The latest tally shows 2000 documented, confirmed, verifiable lies - that’s over 5 lies every day for over a year. You keep the steady stream of lies going relentlessly for so long, that pretty soon the population at large - religious leaders, civic leaders, editorial writers, newspaper editors, and TV hosts, eventually become numb to it, so when something truly damming comes out, it is simply ignored and added to the list of forgotten scandals.
A Little Help...
Now because you're "like a very stable genius", you're well aware that it’s not feasible to pull this off completely on your own, so you employ the most sycophantic people you can find, yes men and women to surround yourself with, people who’s self interests align with yours, people without moral inhibitions to prop up and carry forward all of your lies. You can go through almost the entire cabinet and find lie after lie, and the people who told them...
• Jeff Sessions lied about meetings with Russian operatives twice - under oath to the senate.
• Jared Kushner conveniently failed to disclose almost a dozen meetings with Russians.
• Michael Flynn lied about contacts with Russians, has pleaded guilty and is cooperating with the special counsel.
• Mike Pence went on TV and lied on multiple occasions - saying “we didn’t talk to any Russians AT ALL during the campaign, we only talked to the American people”.
• Donald Trump Jr. lied several times about his meetings with Russian operatives – and as his lies were exposed, he went on television and lied about the lies.
• Paul Manafort lied about so many things, so many times, that its not possible to list them all.
… we now know that every one of them lied on behalf of the president, on multiple occasions - they ALL talked to the Russians. You can also go back and look at Donald Trump’s denials over the last year - amazingly he is still claiming that none of his people ever even talked to the Russians.
There is a method to this madness and it’s scary as hell - this is what dictators and totalitarian leaders do to distract their populations. This is not just my opinion, this is an objective fact and everyone should be terrified at the thought of it.
I’m not calling Donald Trump a dictator - I honestly don’t think he’s smart enough for that designation (even though he’s like a really stable genius). But this is what autocrats and dictators have done for a very long time. It’s what Hitler and all of Hitler’s people did to cement their power in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s, and what Stalin did before murdering 30 million of his own people. Again, I’m not comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin - he’s definitely not that smart. But in terms of communication tactics, he’s numbing the masses to what would normally be devastating to any politician.
You can go back to any history book, one after another and see what has happened, and what is happening mirrors it precisely. These are the exact communication techniques used by dictators and totalitarian leaders to numb the electorate, get people in their countries to believe anything, and destroy democracy from within.
This can be said of Erdowan in Turkey, Duarte in the Phillipines, Putin in Russia, Maduro in Venezeula, and throughout the last century, it has been done by dictators across the globe. They continue lying every day, about everything, so eventually, people in their countries simply can’t tell the difference between the truth and lies.
Sound familiar...?
The Big Picture…
There’s a bigger issue I want to get into, and it should give everyone the chills…
I believe this will become the biggest scandal in American history, and it’s the biggest truth Donald Trump doesn’t want known to the world. The truth we’ve been talking about since November 2016, and the question that’s been asked for over a year now – why is Donald Trump defending Vladimir Putin for assassinating journalists, assassinating political leaders in Russia and Ukraine, and why does Donald Trump continues to defend Vladimir Putin for everything he does.?
Think about this very carefully because there’s been a lot of noise coming from Donald Trump and his minions over the last year - obviously aimed at distracting us from this truth.
Vladimir Putin has something extremely damming on Donald Trump. Putin obviously has some kind of dirt that he’s been holding over Trumps head, and you don’t have to be a political scientist or psychic to see that it must be something incredibly bad.
What is Donald Trump hoping to accomplish? He’s not hoping that he can just brush aside a story about fucking a porn star while his wife was pregnant – in fact he’s likely proud of that. No, he’s hoping when the truth comes out about what Vladimir Putin has hanging over his head (for possibly decades), that the American people will all be too numb from the constant bombardment of lies.
Ten tweets a day, five lies a day - the true motives behind the game show, reality show presidency. The White House circus act that inundates us with misinformation on a daily basis obviously has a purpose other than entertainment. He wants to numb the electorate, numb his supporters, numb the American people, and numb everybody in the world to the dirty reality of his presidency.
Donald Trump is constantly defending Vladimir Putin...
Because Donald Trump is owned by Vladimir Putin…
Thanks for reading...
Hi Dr Dave, I have found you via @craigcryptoking and I like your views so I am now following you. Especially like the humour side of it. The pic of Putin and Trump is hilarious! Laters Mate
Thanks brother - I probably tend to push a little hard on the politics, but i'm genuinely worried about the future of our democracy. It sounds crazy (maybe even a little paranoid) but I've studied political science and international relations for going on 3 decades (not professionally, more as a hobby), and I dont think any country has ever withstood anything like what we see happening in the US - not without severe and far reaching consequences. Most cases end in total destruction of the country - politically and in many cases literally and physically...
Thanks for the comment @investometrics... Any investment tips for me...?
I'm in South Africa and even the people Here are worried about the US (Trump)..
Zimbabwe to our north just got Rid of Mugabe which is a joy, and we are likely to get our President Zuma out soon also.
We are living in an exciting time, but with a few Highly influential people running the show. Which leads me to my Investment Tip for you ;)
I am not a fan of technical analysis, more fundamentals then I would say I am strong in applying good strategies on the calculated underlying assets.
But what I want to mention about the influence that Humans (certain individuals) have on the overall market is that, even if you are correct in your research it can all go against you due to Unexpected human interference. I will most likely post about some of my economic views in the future, however I fear most people will not agree with me :p
Go well Dr Dave, until the next time :))
I don't know enough about your president to have any kind of informed opinion - that being said, he is a politician so therefore likely a douche just like our "orange clown". There are exceptions to that "rule", but they are few and far between...
I think you're definitely right about cryptos & strategies @investometrics - emotion plays huge part in peoples trading decisions. I would go as far as to say a majority of people are so irrational in their decision making processes, that much of the volatility we see in the markets can be directly attributed to it (emotion)...
Thanks for the comment - much appreciated... :)
I can't show this post to my dad. He might not like it.
Hi my friend... Like it or not - no one should be reluctant to have a civilized conversation with someone who holds a different opinion(s).
I would argue that is the reason we are so polarized as a country to begin with - people no longer have discussions with anyone who disagrees with them. That's called living in a bubble or echo chamber - no one can move forward like that, most certainly no society can...
Thanks for the comment @homescoolkidz...
Haha! The photo at the end is cleverly done.... But it is the same body for both.
"Vladimir Putin has something extremely damming on Donald Trump."
I don't know. You yourself said he is constantly lying... Maybe lying about Russia and Putin is just part of the bigger plan. But has nothing to do with a blackmail issue!? I don't arrive at that conclusion.
And I see a bigger problem. The lies of the presidents and politicians have been getting bolder and more outlandish over the last 20 years. Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama... They all lied through their teeth. Maybe your point of numbing the populace has been a concerted cross-party effort for 20-50 years by the ptb with the intent of having a dictator or oligarchy... With the goal of???? Something so black and sinister we cant see it yet??
Hey @em3 ... Thanks for the comment(s)... I think the next few months will be like nothing the world has ever seen - and I've been around for some of the most outrageous corruption scandals of the last 30 years.
Iran/Contra = child's play
Weapons of mass destruction = amateur hour
BJ's in the oval = sounds fun
Watergate = a blip on the radar...
Trump =
I don't see the writing on the wall yet. If I have learned nothing but this over the past 15 years, it is that money/power/politicians/banks have an incredible ability to prolong and prevent the inevitable.
As has been said, "time will tell."
Like you say. It is f/d up.
so beans bullets and toilet paper? Or migrate to Costa Rica????
It's funny that you say that... I have a small piece of property about two hours south of the Costa Rica border in Boquete Panama... Looking extremely appealing now days...
This post has received a 17.60 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @drdave.
My brother I hope this doesn't mean the end of our friendship and I hope you are sitting down. But I really like Trump. I see things from outside objective perspective (libertarian) I would hope anyways. I used to frequently chat to Chris Greenland he covered the Oscar Pistorius trial none the less not the best judge on earth in my book and lets call him a facist liberal. None the less my argument has always been (regardless of Trumps indiscretions which are few) is that he is was and always will be better than killary the criminal clinton, she is off to jail with podesta obama her gross husband and their circle of evil Soros owned cohorts. I watch Alex Jones Roger Stone and David Seaman as well as Fox news. I don't see anything other than an American patriot in him, they label him a 'racist' but black unemployment is lower than ever? I just feel mainstream paints him in a light that it totally untrue or fair. Anyways my two cents and I feel that history will be my absolution and his. PS: Looks like our corrupt President in South Africa is about to be ousted too. Happy days, Cheers bud thanks for all your good work and I hope we are still mates.. hehehee Cheer$;)
Hi Craig... I try not to let politics ruin a possible Couch Surfing adventure in the future for me. I will take this as a challenge though - a challenge to show you the error of your ways... Lol...
The fact that you watch Alex Jones, Roger Stone, and David Seaman, as well as Fox news, is the reason you are uninformed as to the severity of Trumps indiscretions. I also watch all of them in addition to Cultura TV, MSNBC, CNN, BBC, Telemundo, EuroNews, and when i'm forced to, TVMonde (my girlfriend speaks French)
Now that being said, I have to address the "racist" and "black unemployment" argument you make. Again this is because you are uninformed by right wing media - the statistics show there was a steady decrease over the 8 years of Obama and the trend is now starting to taper off under Trump. This is not my opinion - these are mathematical facts that anyone can find online - unless of course the news outlets you watch have "alternative facts" you like better.
The racist "point" you make - I'm not going to list all the racist shit he has done since being pres. you can find that for yourself - that is if you're interested in the truth of it. I have a personal connection to the Orange Clown I'll tell you about.. I laid this out in one of my previous posts and will dig it out later and comment it to you.
For now all i'll say is expand your horizons - news was never meant to be entertainment and that's what it has become ...
Hey bud appreciate your thoughts I will sit back and agree to disagree ;) I must ask this though, Dave do you honestly believe Hillary was a better option and what are your thoughts on FISA Obama and Hillary's involvement etc? Please note I am asking out of interest and from a South African point of view ;) Peace and Love always Cheer$;)PS: My concern with mainstream CNN MSNBC etc is SOROS (and we all know his agenda?)
sponsored propaganda I can't take them seriously as they clearly have an anti Trump agenda? I do just love to learn and take in as much as I can so always as objective and impartial about it all, I am not generally a fan of politicians, period.. Cheer$;)
The real question is what does Hillary have to do with any of this. That's called "whataboutism" what about this, what about that... Fox News brother - you gota expand your horizons...
Did Hillary's minions have meetings with the Russians, did Hillary destroy the EPA, did Hillary remove protections for consumers, did Hillary etc. etc. etc.
This is not about Hillary - she lost the election...
I certainly don't care anything about what was, I care about what is, I care about what is happening, not what has happened...
Pick one... Enlighten... :)
https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/study-watching-fox-news-actually-makes-you-less-informed-20120524 https://www.forbes.com/sites/.../a-rigorous-scientific-look-into-the-fox-news-effect/ http://www.businessinsider.com/study-watching-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all-2012-5 https://www.rallypoint.com/shared-links/study-watching-only-fox-news-makes-you-less-informed-than-watching-no-news-at-all--2
I think I will leave this one here Dave, one day if ever we meet and over some lekka cold beers discuss further, I just feel that religion, politcs etc can often get misconstrued and blown out of proportion as well as the incorrect message conveyed online as it is potentially right now. Cheer$;)
I'm looking forward to them beers brother... I do travel a lot and I would love to see South Africa - so there is a very real possibility for us to meet one day...
Congrats on the last competition - epic... I wish I could have sat in a little bit more - unfortunately been busy as hell last couple days... I'll hit you up when I get home tonight...
You are more than welcome to spend a few days here mate anytime it will be a proper jol (fun) we have some great beer, sightseeing, game lodges, the big 5 as you know and lovely ladies to mention just a few... Ye it was epic best EVER, again, thanks again for all your help and contributions, we hit 2nd in comments for the day on @arcange next week or two will be first I'm sure and the contest finished in just over a day another record. We will probably need to start it earlier again next time though!! Thanks again...Cheer$;)
PS: Loving and totally agree with this 'Like it or not - no one should be reluctant to have a civilized conversation with someone who holds a different opinion(s). And Agreed mate. What saddened me about my conversations with Chris Greenland is just because he didnt agree with me he called me dumb and psycho etc, which for a judge is reprehensible actually.. But enough of that!
Hey brother - I cant find who won the #239 prize - too many comments ... Its a scrambled mess on my screen LOL... If you could let me know so I can square him/her up... Thanks
Hey big boss. @public-eye won it.. it is a bloody mess hey i was watching all the time. I just worry were this will be in a month if already its this hard to decipher numbers will have to resort to steemd I feel this will grow in a big way fast its just not gonna get easy for the Sheriff and me I feel but its a good problem to have, hitting some unreal numbers and growing fast, have an awesome day bud. Cheer$;) PS: on the far right there is a sort by trending votes age click sort by age and refresh that helps, sometimes ;)