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RE: The hand of the invisible men: How the social hierarchy works.

in #politics7 years ago


Out of all the post that I have read on steemit this is a close contender for the best one! You touch so many good points I don't know which one I want to ask about. I wish I could sit down and talk to you man. You must be a walking Encyclopedia!

The most interesting point. Okay let me restart, there are to many interesting points. The one bothering me most is where you mention:

I make this parallelism between the present and the Ancien Regime, because the idea is quite simple, if people have faith in God and in the hierarchical structure of the Church, and their representatives tell us that the Kings are the ones who must govern, so the sensible thing is to think that kings should govern and that we should be governed by them.

What is your believe? Are you convinced that this is cemented in us all solely for this purpose?

The reason I'm asking this, even though I do believe in a higher power (a creator) is because of a clip I have watched on US government mind control methods. Used back when TV just came out and the specific phrase used by them. God is real God is Watching as seen below.





If you want to see the documentary have a look below (start at 10 minutes 30 seconds)

I firmly believe they know a great deal more than us and question the use of this phrase - "God is real God is Watching". It must have been for a specific purpose and fits your explanation better than a believe/religion in God.

What is your opinion?



What is your believe? Are you convinced that this is cemented in us all solely for this purpose?

The reason I'm asking this, even though I do believe in a higher power (a creator) is because of a clip I have watched on US government mind control methods. Used back when TV just came out and the specific phrase used by them. God is real God is Watching as seen below.

Well, I'm also trying to decipher many of these things. I think the first thing we should ask ourselves is; Which God? The Christian God or another? Although many people find it difficult to believe, kings in the past were convinced of their divinity, often from there they drew the strength to govern the nations, that is, the kings not only used religion to numb people as many believe , but they were also convinced of their existence and governed on the basis of that belief.

In this way, the modern elite could also have a set of beliefs, in this case materialistic, and govern based on it.

Although really, they are just a set of assumptions. I must keep informing myself, and although it may seem incredible, sometimes the answers are in an underestimated phrase in a paragraph of a book that is 500 or 1000 years old.

If you have time I think you will enjoy a recent post by @positivesynergy and an interview @mistermercury had with Dick Cheney.

It is also an attempt to bring it all together

Yes, I just read both publications. Thanks!

Here is the god people also like to believe in.