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RE: Seeking Knowledge And The Ability To Understand And Interpret It... "Marxism"

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

The problem at the root is as I believe the dialectic mechanism. Marxists see it as truth and not just a model, which means that they automatically assume that history follows the pattern of thesis -> antithessis -> synthesis and this even if it doesn't look like it. In fact, this proposed pattern of how history advances is an ideal excuse to proactively use violence in order to create the circumstances as the model says would emerge anyway. Because when something happens anyway, why not provoking it to speed up the inevitable?

Of course, as history doesn't advance in a dialectic manner (at least not necessarily) but is more of a sequence of likely (or unlikely) coincidences, communists will always only break things and make the rest of the world miserable without even understanding why everyone hates them. Because for them, they do the world a favor with their furor.

In good old dialectic manner, I will follow you now.


Both I and by extension the Universe, thank you for the well thought out reply - and hope you will check back in now and again to "make me think", like you did with this comment... :-)