Millions of garage sales are held in the United States every year.
Over the years, a growing number of jurisdictions have been looking to regulate yard sales in their area and whether or not people are aware of it, many areas require you to first obtain a license or permit before you go putting on any yard sale.
That's hundreds of thousands of permits that are expected to be obtained, which is helping to bring in millions of dollars in revenue for the state.
The rules vary depending on where you live but they generally restrict how many sales you might be able to hold within a year or how many days you can consecutively hold the sale for etc. The regulations are painted as an effort to try and keep communities safe and quite. However, officials have also allegedly admitted that their efforts to regulate yard sales have been an attempt to prevent people from operating sideline businesses that might upset neighbors.

The permit plan isn't working for everyone...
The garage sale permit plan isn't working out as well as everyone had planned. One city in Manitoba, Canada recently decided to eliminate their yard sale permit process because they said it was too much work to enforce the regulations and it discouraged recycling and reuse of items.
For 2018, it's reported that no one in that region will need to obtain a permit to hold a garage sale.
Is it really necessary to get a third party involved if someone has some old clothes and furniture to get rid of and others in their community are interested in exchanging for their property? It seems like a waste of time and effort. It also looks like some authorities agree seeing as they've decided to scale back their permit plans for yard sales.
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The Freedom To Have A Yard Sale
Why do governments think we need a permit for everything. There are less and less freedom every day.
Maybe a permit to breath next?
WTF!? What a waste of time and effort, I totally agree @doitvoluntarily ! This keeps a lot of crap out of the landfills thats totally useful for someone else when you have out grown it. Just another stupid tax grab if you ask me ! Total B.S which is never ending! upped earlier now resteemed!✌👍👍👍
Where the government gets in the way, things don’t always work well and not now needing a permit will resolve a lot of problems for these people
Hi doitvoluntarily,
I really would like to see the city official scrap the garage permit in U.S.
Too many regulations already by the cities, states and government in U.S. So stifling to me.
Regulations regulations regulations. 💩
Great post @doitvoluntarily!
Governments will always seek ways to try and regulate every human activity imaginable, no surprise here. I say fu** em', who cares what words they scribble down and give it a fancy schmancy sounding name, like a "code" or "ordinance." Governments are PRIVATE, for profit corporations that are created to steal money from the common people. The gig is up, cat is out of the bag. All one needs to do is research the CAFR reports for every single municipality, city, county , state, school district, court, and alphabet agency you can think of. You will find billions upon billions of dollars stolen through legalese and cleverly disguised in b.s. accounting terminology to hide what they're doing.
This is an excellent decision by the local government. They need to realize that they cannot regulate every small detail of our lives. In fact the question is why did they do it even in the first place.
It is not wise moves for the politicians either. People are nagged enough by the bureaucrats and govt. officials in their life. They don't need another hen pecking at their shins to make them further miserable and for what - chump change (as compared to bigger scheme of things).
A friend of mine is participating on these quite regularly. I don't know if you need a license for these kind of things here in Germany though. I don't think she has one.
@doitvoluntarily what is u r opinion about is u think its good decision
Bueno me gustan mucho las ventas de garage, Aquí en Venezuela no se hacían, pero debido a la mala economía que existe ahora, muchas personas ya no regalan sus pertenencias, sino que las venden en este tipo de ventas.
Well, I really like garage sales. Here in Venezuela they did not do it, but due to the bad economy that exists now, many people no longer give away their belongings, but sell them in this type of sales.
En las ventas de garage podemos conseguir tesoros los cuales no son apreciados por sus dueños y necesitan tal vez un nuevo dueño que si los quiera @doitvoluntarily