Is it just banning single cash transactions over $10,000? An additional crazy aspect of this is $10,000 AUD isn’t really that much money. Especially in a place like Aus where stuff often costs more. You could easily drop that on buying an old crappy car or one stop at Freedom furniture in search of a new bedroom suite. Not to mention the pay us in cash tradies scene.
It makes me think of the customs form that asks if you are bringing more than $10k into the country.
The pay cash tradie scene is probably a tax dodge that would constitute black economy, but there are still plenty of legitimate uses of cash. The problem with the nominated $10K number is that it's just a number that seems non threatening to many on face value, but give us a few years of inflation and it becomes not much at all. That's what is meant by the boiling frog analogy - it happens slowly enough not to be noticed or resisted.