
Never underestimate the power of american stupidity.

Why would Trump be removed from office?
Also leftists are the violent ones.
Not Conservatives.

There are many reasons he could be removed from office, but the fact that Pence gets the job next will keep him in there for the first term at least. Trump will not run for a second term.

The logic of leftists being the only violent ones is faulty and goes along the lines of Trump's constant lying and complaining about the left. It is not factual and is as fake as the news you mention. Alex Jones is fake news too, you know that right?

Saying the left isn't violent is like saying Hitler was just a bit of a jerk.

"The logic of leftists being the only violent ones is faulty" is what I said. You make up fake news yourself I see :)

Are you saying the right is not violent at all and it's only the leftists? LOL

I tend to blame both sides, but I find it humourous when someone thinks it's all one side. It proves the brainwashing is working.

I never said it was only the left, but 99 percent of the time it is the left.
Learn history.

It seems like you blame the left for almost everything. You have a skewed view of the World and assume people don't know about history like you do? I blame both sides. History is my proof as well.

Sorry you are wrong the left murdered 120 million people in the last 100 years.
So again learn history.

To be honest, Trump is going no where. I'm sure some will be pissed, most will be happy. I predicting two terms...

Wishful thinking. Approximately 65% of the population disapproves of him. He is by a long shot the most unpopular President EVER !! He will be extremely lucky to make it a full term. He just not understand the intricacies of governing the most powerful Country in the World. He keeps dividing people and that's not how it's done

Umm.. no.

The TV is just telling you that.

Perhaps you might ask the question.. why is the media constantly dumping on trump.

Been caught lying many times..

But your eating that shit up from your slave masters like a good little pleb :)

Do yourself a favor.. go research this from both sides.

Unless you like being a chump :)

People dump on Trump because of what he is doing, who he is doing it for, and how he is filling the swamp with nitwits.

Although, he is very popular with people that don't understand what he is doing and that like to believe Alex Jones. That's about 35% of people. He's so popular to that 35% that he could shoot somebody and wouldn't lose voters. No matter what he does, they are there to mindlessly support him.

If you aren't in the top 5%, you are not represented by Trump or the GOP. That is not fake news.

That's about the dumbest comment I have ever seen on Steemit. They dump on him because he's a LIAR, and does stupid sh*t.

Hey Jim,
That is an excellent question...why is the Media and so many different groups of people dumping on Trump and the Alt. Right ?? No argument here as I know for a fact the Media is totally biased against Conservatives and Trump. And no question they are definitely Pro- Liberal. But why is that ?? I will let you ponder that for a second and come back to me with your best explanation. I will be patiently waiting for your reply ;) I already know why and will be more than happy to give you a thorough explanation :)

Absolutely correct. If people think the first term started with an upset, the second election will be a bigger one. The economy is booming, the US GDP is nearing 4% under Trump, and other countries' leaders that are integral to the economy respect Trump as a powerful leader. The mainstream news media will try to hypnotize viewers with opposing stories, but Trump has already proven himself to his voting base.

Trump won't resign, and won't get impeached, this is an alt-left fantasy. However, in this hypothetical fantasy scenario, "Trumpists" won't get violent, that is reserved once again for the far left youth culture.

Yeah Antifa.. with their machine guns and red bandannas..

Ask them about stalin, pol pot.. get a blank stare.

I mean we saw violence when he was elected by people who wanted Hillary. I dont think its unreasonable to see the same in return? I’m not saying it’s right, just that i think both sides do it. It’s all about peaceful protests not hateful protests. I guess we’ll see what happens

I would like to make a case.. why trump supporters are not violent.

Go watch ALL the youtube videos.. of ANTIFA supporters. They have their faces covered, machine guns in hand.

They are violent, uneducated and going off basic emotion.

I have not seen a SINGLE anti trump person who can provide any reliable evidence of trump doing bad stuff.

They ALWAYS say hes a racist. That's it. Watch them get questioned.. EVERY SINGLE ONE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.

Without exception.

If you want to make a $100 bet with me ill spend the time to provide all the video links.

I’m not arguing with that. M simply saying that we saw violence from other groups when he was elected, so I wouldn’t expect his supporters to be different. I agree, his supporters have mostly been the peaceful ones. Yes it is the left that riots and protests and beats people. You dont have to convinvce me. I’m just saying violence may come and it isn’t unreasonable if there is violence. But we will see a whole different attitude in the media from it.

Yeah i totally agree. Although i do hope trump supports can rise and avoid violence.

We can lead by example and show strength through education and information.

Go watch all the videos of the lefties.. OMG talk about uneducated masses.

EVERY SINGLE ONE has a very severe lack of knowledge. EVERY SINGLE ONE.

Against All Correct Answer Machines

Trump is great leader of the world. no more

Right, tell me more

Trump is unwanted president of America but it is a bitter reality. I don't think he is going anywhere.

Trump loves you brudda don't worry :)

I think they would be pissed
Very very. Maybe cause a riot probably.
But Trump is going no where.

They were violent when he got elected. They'll be more violent if he's thrown out.

You mean the Hilary supporters right. Cuase they were the only ones being violent..

In fact do you remember how they all screamed together.

Like babies.. screaming.

Very intelligent.. MENSA material right?

Ask them a question about politics, the economy, you get blank stares.

In fact i have not seen a hilary support who is not a complete ignorant retard.

Every single time without fail.. they have the wrong information.

And every single time.. they are TV viewers, why is that do you think?

So the people who watch news on the internet, have alot of good knowledge.

The people watching CNN.. spout off the party line like a brain dead sheep.

Why is that?

Trump was first inaugurated as president has begun to have political controversy in the United States because there are parties who do not want trump as America's president indicates that his political ideology is not good today has been proven.

There was an offer made about talking with Trump. It seems that would be a waste of time since over the past year or so he's said too much already.

Not much to talk about.

Absolutley! These fuckers' dangerous commitment to this corporate cocksucker is so great that they would literally take lives in name of Trump.

May i ask you a question :)

Can you tell me about the federal reserve.. without Googling it.

Who owns that :)

I am very skeptical that getting Trump impeached for "Russian collusion in our election" is going to look look good for the federal government's integrity and could generate sympathy for his movement. However, if it leaves Pence, he will be enough of an establishment conservative that it could generate sympathy for the left. It's a double-edged sword

Trump is no antiestablishmentarian at all. Despite talking about draining the swamp he is very much part of the corporate elite. Just look at who Trump has been nominating for top posts in his regime. Things could only have got interesting if Bernie Sanders would have been elected. Who knows what methods "entrenched interests" would have used to rein in Sanders.

I think cryptocurrencies could prove an exit for most people out of the system if voice no longer exists. Given recent talk about the government cracking down on crypto in the USA, it can only be said that interesting times lie ahead.

They already are. Even after the win, they are still uneasy. They are waiting for a fight.

Look at Charlottesville, they already have, and they won.

They can’t get violent. They already are violent.

I don't know of any Trump supporters who want violence - nor have I have I seen any evidence that the bulk of his voters are violent -

You people were saying the same thing about his election - that conservatives are going to be emboldened to commit acts of violence against the weak, minority groups when Trump wins. Well that hasn't happened all we've seen is a bunch of leftists making up fake stories about getting harassed by neonazis (which eventually got debunked). But we have seen actual video footage of minorities from the hood, angry that Trump won, going out and beating to death as many white people they can.