
It was probably one of the things that won him the election, and now he’s claiming it was fake news?

hahahahah you nailed it!

Trump stays where he is until the Dems sweep both houses. With the Republicans in retreat, the Dems can then start impeachment proceedings.

One can hope. Dems will need 60 in the Senate in order to overcome any GOP filibuster. Let's hope 2018 gives us that.

Get Out The Vote!!!!

The republicans have set the precedent - The nuclear option is always available.

Trump is insane

Yes but he's good for bitcoin, look at the positives lol

True, im scared to even touch a dollar at this point

A regular visitor to the White House told me that leaks about the President shouting at his senior staff were true. ‘The White House is not a happy place.’ Television images show Trump getting to the lectern in the West Wing to make an announcement, then forgetting to make it and walking out; or Trump at the Nato summit, shoving the Monte-negrin Prime Minister aside to get to the front of the leaders’ photograph. Trump’s critics paint a picture of the President as rambling, confused, irritable and prone to tantrums: the madness of King Donald.. I hate him sooo much......!! @davidpakman

We all do... I was called an unwise youth by my family at thanksgiving. I want vindication. I want trump to become a meme for idiots and alt-reality people. What a joke

he really insane

He's the most incompetent imbecile of a president we've had both in this century and probably the last as well!

It is hard to believe

Good Post 👍👍👍

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