
Neutrality is needed. The back lash to this will be over whelming. negative. SO much bad shit coming from this horrible American President, poor America!

I've been thinking about this a lot, specifically the havoc that the dissolution of net neutrality will reap on small business owners. Epecially those in the creative field I'm just starting to get traction as an illustrator and that is predicated on access to a free and open internet. The dissemination of ideas and philosophies not only aides in dissolving boundaries between different peoples and those with separate socioeconomic backgrounds but furthers progress and innovation. This also damages the potential of people in lower income brackets as it makes more difficult for adults to find better paying jobs, and schools these days oft time require the internet to complete assignments and homework. As well as keeping in contact with the teachers. Not to mention that the internet is and will continue to be the greatest library in the world because you have access to such a wealth of information. Frankly there's no easier way to keep the impoverished in poverty.

hould all be fighting

The definition of net neutrality for the people who don't know:
the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favouring or blocking particular products or websites

You got my vote. We must all vote for the right people to support net neutrality but we have to do more. There is a technical way to fight for internet access. We can use our drones as little internet repeaters, those with satellite dishes can set up links to the alternate satellites and then link to our drones. This really can work. I will teach people to do this free.

It's an interesting concept, I can't say whether or not it would be successful as I don't know enough about how the internet works. I too have often wondered what we can do as consumers to safeguard these types of things and how one would engineer away out in this kind of situation.

Ok, So I've been thinking... When we talk to our representatives about Net Neutrality that it's not enough they simply oppose the threat to NN. I won't be satisfied unless my reps are ACTIVELY fighting Pai & Co AND doing something to protect NN in the future. Also, because this not simply a vote in the house or senate, rather its a separate part of the government not tied to voting, it's important that our reps get creative in the fight rather than simply pay mouth service to appease their constituents.

Net Neutrality is a stupid idea anyway.

I disagree entirely. Net Neutrality looks like a terrible idea.
Happily, I'm not American, nor do I vote; so my opinion is unlikely to affect the outcome :)

Still figuring this place out but from what I can see you're getting some decent revenue

There are simply some things that should not be for profit. Unfortunately the possible end of net neutrality seems to be a symptom of the increasingly obvious state of our deteriorating culture. I for one have been using Verizon since 2006 and am interested in switching to a new carrier, however are there any acceptable carriers to switch over to? I have heard of Credo, however I also saw an article on the internet that suggests that they are a a “scam for progressives” (true? Not true?). I also get Credo news on FB however I sometimes feel thy sound like the social police – you know, the ones who like to create safe spaces…. For example, they have been harsh on Bill Maher - a critique I strongly disagree with. Does anyone have good or bad experiences with Credo? Or does anyone have additional information on possible acceptable cell phone carrier alternatives to Verizon?