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RE: Louise Linton has no class. Conclusion, we won't be getting the tax cuts that Trump promised

in #politics8 years ago

The immigration ban is NOT on Muslims. It is on countries where the political systems have broken down to the point that it is not possible to vet the background of the person that is applying to immigrate. These countries were first flagged by Obama as locations from which it was not possible to vet the immigrants.

Do you leave your front door open and let anyone that wants come into your house? I suspect not. You have some screening process on who you let in.

That is reasonable and expected.

Just like it is reasonable and expected that countries would screen immigrants.

If you are coming from a country where it is impossible to screen backgrounds, then you don't get in.

Really simple

Really logical

Just common sense

When people protest against common sense that is a sign that there is some other agenda in play


ok ok buddy you won (y) :P