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RE: Brexit? In or out?

in #politics9 years ago (edited)

The tory party created the housing problem by selling off the social housing, they went off to blame the world banking crisis as the fault of the Labout party, time and time again our landed gentry get caught with there fingers in the till, they blame the rise of social sercurity payments on the disabled while giving tax breaks to Tescos to employ people on zero hour contracts the list goes on and on.
The farmers of the UK have the most to fear as the big chains will still import european products while UK farmers no longer get subsidies.
Those that retire to Spain will they still keep the medical card and will the spanish really want to keep these liggers on as they dont add any benifit to the spannish economy.
The idea that the UK can roll up the draw bridge and trade with the rest of the world with out trade deals is laughable in the extreme. The only option after leaving would be being an indentsured slave to big buisness with out rights as these companies want to sue the goverment if they cant pay people less then the living wage.
I love where I live in London its multi-cultural I have French, German, Polish, Afganni, Indian friends we now have our first Muslim Mayor in Hounslow and in the the first muslim mayor for london, I am Irish my perants came to the UK as economic-migrents then in the windows of the British rented sector it was no dogs no irish allowed.
I for one have no problem with Europe I love Paris and wish I could live in Itally. the English do not get a lot of info on how good europe is and the NO lot play on the fear of the stranger.
My wife once joked with her boss as he complained about he could not get any information about whats happenig in Europe and from Belgium where he came from and as quick as a flash she said ahhhhh Belgium is a place you go through to get to somewhere else!! We still have our humour and should be proud to be part of Europe.