I can't argue with your conclusions as I fully agree with them. The idea that elections are bullshit and we must try non-political alternatives is the path forward. Trying to vote away government is a self-defeating proposition. How do we get rid of the Federal Reserve? We go around it via Bitcoin and other Currencies. It'll take some time, but the seeds are planted.
Having said that, I don't think there is a conspiracy of fake candidates all secretly working for the Federal Reserve. I have to say its bad form to attribute malice to someone's ignorance. The Fed keeps its dastardly dealings far from public consciousness and it simply isn't on 99.9% of peoples radar. The unwarranted ego of presidential candidates almost assures they are especially ignorant. Few people know or understand the problem.
I don't buy the Trump for Hillary conspiracy either. They ran in the same social circles and have had business dealings, but that doesn't indicate they are in collusion together. As much as I think nationalism and a wall are bad ideas, I can understand why half the country disagrees with me. Admittedly, it took some effort on my part. Surprisingly, these people are not political cartoon caricatures who just hate brown people. Anyone who writes them off as ignorant racists in a cult of personality is going to be in for a surprise in November when Trump wins in a landslide. Alex Jones may be paranoid and a fear monger, but he isn't fake and he has his thumb on the pulse of American culture. Trump is part of the same populace uprising in the West that resulted in Brexit. Don't underestimate them.
Trump is running to help Hillary win:
Alex Jones is a paranoid fearmonger, he also is an obvious cointelpro agent. He has employees on his staff including Mallory Maroney who worked for STRATFOR. Furthermore his talking points mirror what the Stratfor website puts out. Infowars site's terms and conditions policies clearly state they are collecting your private data and can pass it to third parties. Alex Jones in my opinion has been set up to ensure anyone who comes across this conspiracy stuff has a controlled narrative clown to follow, and their data then gets collected by "Infowars" which is basically a record keeper for the CIA's private version STRATFOR to gather intelligence on the growing disillusioned masses. Whilst also ensuring the narrative for the mainstream "alternate media" is based on partial truths and lies. It also makes it easy to write off the entire conspiracy crowd when the "leader" of it Alex Jones is a nutcase who can't keep his cool in an argument, and comes off sounding like a crazy lunatic just as they want the narrative to go.
I never mentioned racism anywhere in my article. So why are you bringing that into the discussion? I think you have been watching a little too much "Infowhores" and Paul Joseph race baiting Watson.
You can't just "go around" the federal reserve notes issue. The entire economy including bitcoins and steem are connected to it, it needs to be replaced entirely. They also have a tendency when pressured with it going out of business to start world wars to keep their scheme going:
As I covered in my Brexit video, and is posted on this blog. Brexit was planned for, and the Bilderberg Group wanted it to happen so they can start to finalize their plans for an EU Army and Intelligence Headquarters. So the only person underestimating anyone is you; you are underestimating the elite and their reach on many levels.
Clearly. And I thought Alex Jones was paranoid. There is a whole other level apparently where Alex Jones is COINTELPRO and in cahoots with the Illuminati and their plan for world domination. Anyway, If you are going to accuse someone of being a traitor some evidence would be nice. STRATFOR eh? I'll look into it.