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RE: Why I am Anti-Gun

in #politics7 years ago

Why do you wish to enslave individuals? I ask that question because, that is the only reason I can fathom for a position that advocates individuals giving up their sovereignty to the collective. Do you envision a society of state-enslaved automatons? That seems to be the practical end-result of your article.


I am generally not a fan of big or even superstates like the US and Europe, but in general I want the collective to have the control over violence in society, not the individual. The collective ofc needs to be organized in such a manner that the violent force of the collective (police/military) is acting to protect the people from harm, which would work better if government would be more local instead of global.

I see your point, but I am in no way in favor of automated forces. The state should not be able to fight with machine power alone.

I can appreciate that position. In the US our constitution was originally penned to institute a Federation of States with power vested locally first. In fact, the only power given to the Federal government was treaty, International trade, and common defense. It is unfortunate that, through the generations, this has been distorted where now the Federal government assumes nearly all power and maintains it by bribery and extortion of the individual states. I consider the current situation to be against our constitution with corruption at every level. Our second amendment, allowed for the individual ownership of guns, just for this circumstance. With the expectation that if the government ever gets too corrupt, it is incumbent on the people to take back control. I know how barbaric this seems in modern times...but, history has shown a distinct pattern of governments growing too large, becoming corrupt, then subjugating the governed. I pray the US will escape this fate.