Down the Hatch, Batten Down the Hatches

in #politics7 years ago

To My Friends in Utah...

So, some back history here - mom moved us to Utah when I was four years old, almost five, due to the fact that the Hillside Strangler was about in the neighbourhood next to ours. As a single mother, she wasn't comfortable with that. As a Mormon who went to BYU, she figured Utah Valley and Salt Lake Valley would be safer (it was, largely, till I was around when I was a pre-teen).

Orrin Hatch was a senator when we moved there. He was a senator when I left Utah and moved to San Diego at the beginning of January 2001; he was still there when I ended up back there at the end of Spring/beginning of Summer 2003 and when I left in the Spring of 2004. He's stayed such the entire time I've been gone since, despite his popularity waning the entire time.

And yet now he's saying he's saying he's still going to run for the senate seat again?

Here's Your Storm

I don't like Romney any more than I like Hatch, but I really hope that Romney displaces Hatch in some manner. I think Cenk is right about the fact that Mitt won't do any sort of direct primary challenge against Hatch - unless he really gets pushed hard by someone with a lot of money and influence - but I do hope he uses other means to displace Old Orrin. I may not live in Utah anymore, I may have never felt at home there, but I still have a lot of friends there and there are a lot of places I liked there (historical places and recreational places, places Hatch has endangered, largely) - so I still care about whose managing the place on various levels.

It's really upsetting to hear this ancient, corrupt shell is continuing. I hope he can be pushed out.