It was april 11th 2002 when we had the oportunity of leaving Chavez behind, when the military rebelled against him... I remember my house when they kidnapped Chavez and nobody knew what was going on, too much silence... my little sister born in april 5th and my mom was so worried for her, the guns, the smoke, the gases... It was a hard time for us.
We had a new president for a few hours...
The next day I woke up and the people was celebrating and I said...why? I remember my mom saying "Chavez is alive" I didn't know what was going on, but It was just the bad times coming back to us... we had the oportunity of changing and the people wanted him back. Why? because he did a brainwash to all of them, because Chavez gave to the poor people things that they will never have without hardwork, and they wanted it back.
Time passed, things started to dissapear... we couldn't choose a brand of milk because there were only 1 and you could only find it on the public market named "Mercal".
Then it wasn't only the milk... was the rice, sugar, meat, chicken, pasta, everything. We had to wait to buy food in the public market, we had to do a long line to buy only 2 products of each one. I was 11 years maybe, I don't remember, but it was normal for me, like a usual thing you do everyday.
Then I growed up, and I started to read on the internet... I learned english by myself, I read about other countries, other people and their lifestyle so I started to question my mom and my family why we have to buy what the goberment want us to buy, why we have to live depending of what Chavez want for us.
I voted against him, even when my family voted for him and even when I lived in a really dangerous and red zone (red is the color of Chavez). I didn't understand why people loved him if he only wanted to control everything...