What is going on in the Trump Admin? Scaramucci suddenly fired?!

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Just saw the latest news that the new communications director has been fired. This is unusual because it happened on a Monday, it is sudden, and wasn't he just hired recently?

I don't know what to make of this and haven't followed politics that closely, but this doesn't look encouraging.


  1. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/31/us/politics/anthony-scaramucci-white-house.html

The new chief of staff, Kelly, a military guy, wanted him out, so he's out. Scaramuch Scaramuch did the fandango out the door Thunder bolts and lightning.


They say he wasn't doing much of a good job as communications secretary - he said the wrong things and probably did the wrong things as well, going by some news.

As the communications head, he was expected to be good at...well... communicating. That's my guess, the rest will be brought out by the media soon.

Yeah it seems like he just started a few days ago.

Scaramucci's primary job was done! Get rid of the leakers - Reince Priebus


It's not a good development but Scaramucci has done his main job. I would have prefered for him to stay.

I'll miss Mooch's antics. That's for sure.


He was brought in to clean house and knock a few heads around. Mission accomplished. Thanks, Moochi!

Different factions within the white house pushing different people and different agendas. Lots of people have the president's ear, and he often agrees with the last person he spoke to on a given issue.

Prebius and Spicer didn't wan't Scarramuci in. For a while that worked, but then Ivanka and Jared convinced Trump to bring the Mooch in. Mooch comes in, Spicer leaves. A few days later Prebius is pushed out.

Trump needs new Chief of Staff, picks Gen Kelly. Kelly says he will take the job but Scaramucci has to go, Trump says whatevs and around and around we go.

Agree I think he accomplished what he was meant to do. Time to move on. 🐓🐓

He didn't have the temperament, skills, or background to be a communications director.

It was good that he was fired. He didn't fit in the role.

It was BAD that he was hired. Definitely raises concerns about Trump's claim to be able to hire and surround himself with top talent.

This was an obviously BAD HIRE from day one.

And that therefore looks bad on Trump's judgement of people's fit to specific jobs.