Holonic systems
What is a holon?
A holon is both a whole and a part. An example would be that an individual human is composed of cells which are composed of atoms. The individual human is considered to be a whole human but that individual human is also a part of the human society making the individual part of a bigger whole. So the human being would be a good example of a holon but so would a node in a complex adaptive system.
What are holonic systems?
If we remember take bees as an example this time instead of humans then the holonic system would be the bee hive. The bee hive would be a representation of the societal governance structure of the bees that belong to the hive. The bees would be holons because they would be part of the hive due to the fact that they follow the rules of the hive. They cooperate between each other but are all subordinates to the rules of the hive which represents the whole. The bee hive represents a holonic system, as do ant colonies, swarms of birds, schools of fish.
The difference between pathological hierarchies and holonic hierarchies
In a pathological hierarchy perhaps one individual or one node in the network assumes the role of the “whole”. This individual might consider him or herself to be the ruler, the number 1, the head authority, who must coerce and control everyone below them. This structure typically takes the shape of a rigid pyramid where the decision making and thinking typically comes from the head authority, with limited room for individuality below.
Holacracy embeds a generative mix of autonomy and cooperation in a flexible fabric of holonic design constitutional rules. It constitutes a new operating system for organizations that regulate the individual/group dynamics to eliminate on one side the possibility of capture via power games, and on the other side, the inherent chaos characteristic of “leaderless,” decentralized organizations.
In a holonic system of governance there is a system for generating rules to provide order. So for instance in the case of virtual governance the nodes on the network can all run the same software, the same configurations, and each changing of the configurations of each node in the network the rules for the network can change in collaborative fashion. Roles and rules are set collectively and collaboratively.
Every participant in a holacracy is a sensor for what is going on, and each plays a role in identifying the tensions in a timely way while taking active steps to resolve them. Effectiveness and resistance to capture are achieved by enhancing the power of collective decision locally via procedures such as: “After taking Individual Action, a Part-ner should tell any affected Role about it, and, on their request, initi-ate actions to resolve any Tension created by the Individual Action or refrain from taking this Individual Action again in the future.”
Ulieru, M. Organic Governance Through the Logic of Holonic Systems.
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When I read holona, sounds like the hole of a colon. LOL
Very intresting article. Analogy to your examples - steemit community. We represent whole and a part.
How would you compare a holonic system to the five traditional forms of government (as described by the philosopher by Plato): Kingship, Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, and Tyranny?
I'd actually like an answer to that one as well!
pathological hierarchy should lessen as Holonic Systems like blockchain tech are used to render many of these divisive institutions we have today obsolete
Ya, they just naturally fade away as blockchain reputation systems replace the purpose they pretend to serve.
I used to think a lot about reputation systems and how it would ultimately replace government. And now with blockchain stuff evolving the way it is, I feel like we really have the nuts and bolts of a paradigm shift.
And it's beautiful, because it isn't even an intellectual threat. It's not like you have to convince the people who are attached to hierarchy that they're doing it wrong. There's just a better set of incentives now that will build on itself and naturally displace the old way of doing it.
Yea, eventually nature upgrades itself to better system is all it is. It cannot be changed by force. That is what makes me laugh about Anarchists in general. They are all 'gun ho' about declaring how wrong it all is even though the system supported and gave life to them. They may as well drop the mere beliefs and empty talk and take actions to change the world, ones that create a new system, not berate and attack the old.
I'm not sure how the system supported and gave life to anyone. We support and give life to each other despite the predatory nature of the system.
I think it's kind of the opposite, statists are all gun ho about how bad and scary anarchy is, even though voluntary, non-hierarchical relationships account for everything that's good in their life.
You maybe have a bit of a different attitude than I do, actually.
Scoffing at people because they want to talk about what they see as right and wrong is just a sort of anti-expression. Just because our goal happens to be noble it doesn't mean we for some reason shouldn't express ourselves.
I agree that actions are the nuts and bolts of what changes the world. But it's not a dichotomy between that vs. talking about things. It's helpful to be able to make sense of your world. So if you help somebody to see right and wrong where they didn't before, they can build off that and apply it to their life and more often be in a position to make better actions.
Plus discussing concepts in the world is probably even some sort of meditation for how we design our life and for the actions we take. So when you see people discussing things, it doesn't mean they aren't also doing things, and maybe even are fueled by the discussion.
Maybe Dan Larimer is less inspired to build Steemit if he doesn't have a sense of it being righteous and serving a positive purpose for people. The two things feed each other.
You wouldn't be in a discussion right now if you didn't think there was a time and a place for something to be gained from discussion. I don't disagree that actions are the high octane way of changing the world, but it doesn't mean discussion doesn't serve a purpose too. And the only way to express that an action is better is to do it with actions, if you do it with discussion you're contradicting yourself.
I'm not trying to rip into you, lol. I've seen similar stuff before and just wanted to respond to it. Hope it makes some sense, and curious what you think.
The system is natural, its nature. Mother Nature gave life to me and sustains me. That is my perception. There are many ill beings in the world, because they have negative lifestyle habits. It is not one or a few or a groups fault that anything is the way it is. If you look at how complex our society it, one can only marvel in how glorious it is, even with its flaws. Nothing is perfect; there are two sides to everything. I prefer to entertain only that which is positive. As giving attention the the darker side of life only feeds it more.
As you mention it, do in fact mean that it is this infantile attitude of 'us Vs. them' that has to go, as it serves no one. One may as well put time into creating a self-sustaining, off the grid community or blockchain tech to change how we use money, and forget all the ideas about anarchism and gangster groups. Because there will always be some gang, of some degree, out to exploit and control others. It best just to get away from all that nonsense and put ones energy into creating the world you wish to live in. That is why invest in and support blockchain tech and live a low consumption, vegan lifestyle.
Not killing life for food, not using too many resources, focusing on positive paths forward are the best things beings can do who are in the current system. The system is natural and grows and evolves slowly over time. It is never static. When an aspect has outlived its utility to providing for human life to flourish it is replaced and then moves on to greater expression.
When an anarchist is "gun ho about how wrong the system is", they're not talking about mother nature or dismissing all of the beauty and wonder in the world. They're not attempting to talk about that stuff. This is kind of a twist to a different "system".
If someone tells you 3 * 3 = 9 they're not saying life is simple and this is all you need to know. They're saying that at least this much is true, that it for sure isn't 17, and then you can go from there and explore life further.
I can't really object to that mantra, but you seem to go against it when you criticize anarchists and say you laugh at them. If you think there are two sides to everything and nothing is necessarily wrong, then talking about the system might not be wrong either. So you can't have your cake and eat it too, you can't criticize anarchists for what they do wrong and then say you only entertain the positive side.
It's possible we very much agree. It's hard to know exactly what hypothetical behavior we're really talking about without specific examples. I too see people who call themselves anarchists behaving in ways that seem to feed statist/hierarchical energy.
But I don't think merely talking about your beliefs qualifies as this. There are positive ways to express these beliefs and negative ways. And since we live in a world where "the system" (or hierarchy or whatever we want to call it) does exist, the idea that we just shouldn't express what we think about it seems pretty damaging.
In general though I do like your outlook on things, and I agree that actions are most important. I was raised to kill for my food. To think it's normal. I think people sharing their beliefs about why that paradigm is wrong has helped me to be better, to take better actions and to stop doing it.