Electronic cigarettes banned in New York

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

The new e-cigarettes which were supposed to remove the issue of second hand smoke and allow people to smoke in banned places have themselves been banned. New York city has now banned electronic (smokeless) cigarettes. The ban applies to anywhere regular or traditional cigarettes are banned.

If it is true that e-cigs do emit second hand vapors then perhaps they are smokeless in only the technical sense of the word.


  1. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/10/24/new-york-state-bans-vaping-electronic-cigarettes-indoors-just-like-traditional-tobacco-products/793572001/
  2. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/vaping-health-problems-smoking-e-cigarettes-north-carolina-study-danger-lung-conditions-disease-a8016861.html

Wow I'm surprised. It seems extreme but if a lot of people are using them indoors in public, transit or shared work spaces then frankly, it's a solution that a few users were begging for- like the guy who lets out a cloud of vapor in an elevator. Inconsiderate people make life more difficult in multiple ways. People should have a choice whether or not to dose nicotine. This shouldn't be necessary but unfortunately it's a logical and fair response.

As a vaper, I do not vape in enclosed spaces. I test the wind to see which way its going and, I'm aware of people thinking it is smoke. The best ever is when a person that just finished taking an "italian shower" with whatever their noxious perfume is, looks with horror at the vaporiser I am NOT using in their precense as we all get toxified by the multitude of chemicals put into their "passive vapor" that is coming off them and choking everyone in the elevator for example. Education needs to be done AND people that vape need to be aware and take care! Johnson and Johnson, glaxo and one other have put up over 100,000,000 bucks in lobby money as vaping is killing their nicotine sales (ie. Johnson has a nicotine INHALER that uses propylene glycol - the ingredient they are trying to vilify. It is used in INFANT nebulizers from birth until they can use an adult inhaler...for their lung health! :) #coach_fusion #biohacker #32years #healthscientist

I still vape in my office but the chance a city inspector is going to raid us during my graveyard shift is pretty small

I bet it's the tobacco companies behind it. they have lost many, many, many cigarette smokers due to vape being so effective in getting off them. You just have to ween off the vape addiction ... fortunately it's much easier.

What the hell.. i have been using vape and e-cigs as means to quit smoking but i guess the tobacco corporation has strong roots within governments.. absolutely pathetic decision

smoking can harm other people, thanks @dana-edwar

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Ohh . We need legalize in TR but NY banned woow

Oh wow! That's news! I was surprised too that they now banned it on planes - you're allowed to put it into your check in bag, but you can't put them in your carry on anymore!

Thanks for this update on e-cigs @dana-edwards. It makes me wonder if this is about health or about protecting the profits of the cigarette industry. I've heard e-cigs are successful at getting people off cigarettes. Most articles that I have read indicate that e-cigs are healthier than regular cigarettes.

Since e-cigs are new, it is possible that there are negative effects from the vapours that have still to be proven. I also have concerns that people who are not smokers could get hooked on e-cigs which in turn could get them hooked on actual cigarettes.

New York City is somewhere I barely understand anymore. Looks the same, filled with an alien species.

I quit nasty ciggs(or sicker-ettes) like 4+ years ago cold turkey. If you want to quit nicotine, then switching your administration route isn't going to help you do that. A recurring hit of nicotine keeps people addicted. It'd be like telling a former/recovering alcoholic... "okay ... only one shot every day now!" Nicotine remains in the body for 72 hours after quitting nicotine products, after which the physical cravings for it stop and you are in the territory of dealing with your psycological 'triggers.'

Nothing like actually going through the motions of really quitting and experiencing your cravings, ignoring them, and then coming out on the other side STRONGER than before in a process of reconnecting back to your FREEDOM!!!! Those triggers or cravings to smoke really only last for three minutes! Which, during a craving, can seem like a lot longer. However, if you actually pull out a clock and time it, it's true!

A Gallup poll entitled "Most U.S. Smokers Want to Quit, Have Tried Multiple Times" found that the most successful method to quit, and perhaps more importantly - stay quit, was simply cold turkey.

And I know that this isn't directly the issue you are addressing in your post, but I just wanted to add my two cents about the whole 'vape pen quit' deal because there may be other people out there wanting to do so and I think this information is vital. I'd highly recommend anyone wanting to quit get their butts over to whyquit.com where all of this information(and so much more) is available FOR FREE...

I understand there are people that enjoy smoking and / or vaping simply for the pleasure of it. This comment isn't for those people. Keep it real everyone!!