"Comrade, your statement is factually incorrect." - "Yes it is. But it is politically correct."
The Pathology of Political Correctness
Glorification of Groupthink
The origin and essence of political correctness is cultural Marxism. Established in its current iteration in the 1930s upon the back of the Frankfurter School and Critical Theory, political correctness is a parasitic totalitarian ideology masquerading as tolerance. Indeed, its greatest success has been to convince its hosts and victims that it is a benign and benevolent means of promoting tolerance and acceptance of all individuals in society, regardless of their sex, creed or color, and this despite the insurmountable mountain of evidence to the contrary.
In its initial stages, political correctness was an affectation of academics, politicians and corporate media, but not taken all too seriously by the masses. The following generations however, raised in a progressively less decent miasma of political correctness, unconsciously and uncritically absorbed its tenets. The severe metastasis of political correctness since the 1960s has resulted in a dramatic shift of the Overton Window towards less freedom in all western societies. Free speech, science and civil discourse are now being demonized as politically incorrect and the hysterical demand for the restriction of freedoms is guiding western societies into their terminal phase.
Vilification of Wrongthink
While political correctness preaches tolerance of diversity, it actually demands conformity in the most important realm of all, the realm of ideas. Defined as a means of "promoting tolerance and avoiding offense in matters of race, class, gender, and sexual orientation," political correctness has instead become a weaponized form of Orwellian doublethink designed to deconstruct societal cohesion and the social contract of western civilization in its entirety. Despite what its advocates may care to believe, political correctness has mutated into a misanthropic and socially malignant tool of ideological oppression.
Political correctness and its explicit policing of free speech has became a ubiquitous factor of public dialogue throughout the western world. Politically correct speech codes - ostensibly promoting tolerance - have instead been abused by virtue-signaling hypocrites devoid of intellectual honesty to coerce political conformity via emotional blackmail and social intimidation. Those who refuse to impose politically correct restraints on themselves or others are denounced as racist, sexist xenophobes and subjected to public shaming, character assassination and coordinated bullying by anti-free speech extremists.
Delusional Doublethink
The overtly doublethink dogma of intolerant tolerance openly justifies the mistreatment of those who deviate from the orthodoxy of politically correct behavior. Intolerant tolerance is an incoherent and self-contradictory belief system, spawned by moral relativism, that contends all belief systems are equal in value and must therefore be tolerated, celebrated and forcefully integrated into western societies. That this is done with a straight face while championing the politically correct belief system as the best of all belief systems is rank hypocrisy; according to its own tenets, political correctness cannot be considered better than any other belief system and is not to be afforded privileged status.
Advocates of political correctness demand the rejection of all forms of intolerance except their own or those forms of intolerance which advance their political agenda. Intolerance and even violent acts on the part of privileged victim groups are simply ignored or excused as being triggered by the "intolerant hurtfulness" of those who openly speak their mind. The only beneficiaries of political correctness are political partisans who can use it to obfuscate their true motives and to avoid drawing any causal connection between the preferred ingroups and socially harmful behavior. This is why it is called political correctness, it "corrects" to the political advantage of the speaker.
Pseudo-messianic Sacrifice
The frequently heard statement on college campuses, "I am tolerant of everything but intolerance" is little more than a naively suicidal pseudo-messianic delusion. The unspoken postulate of this egomaniacal virtue signaling is that by indiscriminately tolerating other belief systems, regardless of how intolerant those beliefs may be, the "other" can be assimilated into a predetermined "tolerant" and politically correct worldview. That this successful assimilation is belied by all evidence, historical precedent, common sense and the explicit injunction against adopting foreign values by those to be integrated is blithely ignored in favor of farming vapid virtue-signaling accolades.
In practice, this means the politically correct are intolerant of any who think differently from themselves if they are in any position to actually resist their social and political machinations. Criminal transgressions by the politically correct in-group and preferred victim groups are to be forgiven as the worthwhile price of tolerant cultural enrichment or celebrated as resistance to the oppressive intolerant hegemony of western secularism. That the politically correct have decided it is worth sacrificing human lives in the pursuit of their intolerant ideology reveals just how out-of-touch and offensive to human dignity political correctness has become.
Hysterics of Hatred
Politically correct speech is increasingly indistinguishable from hate speech. Politically correct "resistance" protesters that engage in violence are by any objective measure engaging in hate crimes. Hate crime is "any of various crimes (such as assault or defacement of property) when motivated by hostility to the victim as a member of a group (such as one based on color, creed, gender or sexual orientation)." The inability of the politically correct "resistance" protestors to recognize their own actions as hate crimes when they demonize and physically attack a specific demographic appears to be a contagious form of mass hysteria.
Mass hysteria is "a condition affecting a group of persons, characterized by excitement or anxiety, irrational behavior or beliefs, or inexplicable symptoms of illness." As such, it is worth considering if extreme politically correct orthodoxy has not actually become a symptom of a deeper seated mental illness. For an overview of various symptoms applicable to politically correct behavior, it is worth considering the symptoms that manifest in various personality disorders, including but not limited to narcissistic personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder, many of which recall the behavior of many advocates of political correctness.
Sadomasochistic Narcissism
Politically correct tolerance today, by all appearances, is rapidly morphing into the willingness to accept the reintroduction of pedophilia, bestiality, mob violence and human ownership into societies that have legally abolished such conventions as cruel, barbaric, and inhumane. Advocacy, tolerance or acceptance of any of these relics of barbarism being reintroduced to western societies is antithetical to human decency and the sanctity of life. Political correctness has become the most imbecilic and suicidal worldview to ever grace the pages of history.
Only amoral relativism, sadistically and intentionally oblivious to the suffering of others in its will to power, could possibly deem all belief systems as equally benevolent or beneficial to the human condition and the pursuit of freedom, justice and human dignity. The politically correct virtue-signaling narcissists who are promoting societal masochism by deconstructing the right of people to decide with whom they live and what they do with their money, lacking all foresight, have zero comprehension of the catastrophic consequences of their advocacy should it succeed. Magical thinking, naive ignorance and irrational partisan doublethink are no basis for determining how other people should live.
Perverse Prevarication
Demands for homogeneity of speech and behavior directly contradict the tolerance and diversity political correctness supposedly advocates. Mandating politically correct speech codes is tantamount to coerced speech. Coerced speech is intrinsically dishonest speech. Demanding dishonest speech from an interlocutor so that they don't cause offense eliminates honesty from public debate and is a nonsensical insistence on being lied to. The cognitive dissonance inherent in the statement "You must dissimulate so as not to offend my sensibilities or the sensibilities of others I think you might offend" is an unmistakable sign of emotional immaturity and intellectual dishonesty.
Any rational individual would prefer to hear unpleasant words that are honest and provide undistorted insight into the minds of men than be forced to decipher tortuously dishonest formulations designed to conceal prejudice and intolerance. Political correctness is the bullying big brother of the social justice movement, used to silence dissent and to attack those who dare defy the imposition of groupthink. Ironically, those tolerated the least by the politically correct mob are those who advocate people not being forced to do something they don't want to do.
The Final Nail
Fortunately, a recent survey revealed that a significant majority of the US population strongly disapproves of political correctness, politically correct speech codes and politically correct culture. Indeed, the only demographic that truly believes political correctness is a positive force in society are those who use it to attack and demonize their opponents: rich, white, virtue-signaling progressive activists. As such, political correctness reveals itself for what it really is, a bludgeon of manipulative doublethink used to maintain the ill-wrought socio-cultural hegemony of the progressive plantation.
Now is the time to reject political correctness for being the intolerant ideology that it is.
Shot with a golden arrow,
Cupid Zero
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Anyone who advocates Marxism ought to be institutionalized, since he is either mentally retarded or intentionally vicious. Cursoy glance at human history displays misery unimagined previously. Ask any Hongkong Chinese if they prefer current misrule under the CCP or colonial government of the Victorian era. All will prefer British overlords to Marxist peasants. In a sense most Marxists are institutionalized, since outside the prison of universities, socialist bureaucracies, and propaganda institues, these humanoid scum will be unable to survive.
I had to laugh at your comment that "In a sense most Marxists are institutionalized" because it is largely true. The most inflexible echo chamber of entitlement to other people's productivity exist in the institutions you mentioned, as I well know. Trying to argue with Marxists, who are convinced of the moral infallibility of their arguments while unwilling to concede the historical factuality and immorality of Marxist democide, predicated by the ideology's pathological intolerance for the freedom of the other, are wonders of cognitive dissonance.
I remember when Tropic Thunder came out and people were boycotting it because it was insensitive to retards so I watched it to see what all the fuss was about. The fuss should have been about why Robert Downey Jr. didn't win an Oscar for that scene.

I recall when that came out nobody made any fuss about the blackface, which would be unthinkable in today's environment. Devan Stack of Black Pilled did an interesting video on just that topic, which is a good watch. You can find it here.
That made me want to watch the Jazz Singer. Maybe I'll make it a movie night with Tropic Thunder and the 80's classic Soul Man.

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