The last time I voted I could easily walk the distance from my home to our local primary school where I went to school when I was in 1st grade, it was about fifty meters from our house. Now I can only go there with the use of my wheelchair but I won't do that although it pains my feelings that I could not practice my rights anymore, I will just sacrifice it for the sake of my privacy.
Election day is a very exciting event especially for the friends and family of the local candidates. These local candidates are not far from any other government official in terms of corruption, they are corrupt themselves and the best example of it was if there are distribution of relief goods when there is a calamity. They would repack the already repacked relief good and take out some essential good for themselves like coffee, milk, and sugar ad then give the rest to the co-villagers.
Corruption in government would only be resolved with a kind of system that is Godly with a people in it as God-fearing otherwise it will just go on and on system learned today by new politicians are influenced by the old but unless they are all God-fearing in the strongest sense of the word corruption will not be resolved in the government.
Image Source: FB Gifs
I like such post. I don't know the essence of casting votes and at the end of the day, government find it too difficult provide social entities. Thanks for this post
Oh no! You must exercise your democratic right to vote. It is the most powerful tool we have.
I hope you recover enough and gain enough strength to vote.
Be well my friend
Seriously though. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. --Edmund Burke" IMHO, if you vote, you can at least say you did something. If you don't vote, you become complicit with the dominating view. It might be your view. It might not. Regardless, a non-vote is the same as a vote in that case.
Well said
no problem brother, i am do not any vote my country election, reason is only corruption.
Don't worry bro,Just take care of your health so that you can vote on next Election..
God Bless you Dear @cryptopie
You should never lose the faith you have in the town, so you should always exercise the right to vote to participate with our grain of sand. I hope that the winning candidate in your country works for the people and not for their own interests.
In my country we are 6 days before the presidential elections.
Before voting was a party for me, a celebration. Now I do not think I vote
Sad to hear that only for physical problem u will not vote. But casting vote for corrupt people in election does not bring anything positive in our life. Wishing your quick recovery.
Your health is more important than vote. When your health condition improves, you can give you vote again. You are rel a patriot.
in my place too many who do corruption, they never think for others
corruption is dangerous for a country.
Why can not you vote?
Are you still voter?Hello @cryptopie
Same as my village . Here it is like a festival.
One of the main problem of our country is corruption.
Ohhh so sad really hurt to listen about this. The government donot give pick and drop system for this.