Presenting The United States of America's First Hoe Melania Trump . . .

in #politics8 years ago

Some things simply defy imagination; like this human simply hanging out with a pubes molester instead of trying to make her own way in the world . . .


What is that term they use to describe females who hang around men for . . .

And ; her husband ?

This is not politics this is simply people selling their values for the hopes of some money. The only way for evil to triumph is for people of good conscious to do nothing ! ! !

Even if this pubes molester repeals income tax, has dogs and cats living in harmony, cures all cancers and creates peace on Earth. This walking sack of SH** will still be a cretin . . .

That is why American's are DADS ; Dumb As Dog Sh** ; this was never politics this was modern society saying it has no values left ! ! !


I must agree.....please check my friends video illustrating something similar.

This just means americans just vote party lines . . . This means that people have just been taught not to think . . .
This is what you get when a tall african american does nothing for eight years so people just vote for a pubes molester. There were six candidates for President but people were just to programmed and they elected a celebrity. This is why america cannot find other countries to fight their wars for them anymore, america has no values except the promise of money . . .

What i want to know is when does the Army Corps of Engineers start work on " the wall " ?????

This lying sack of walk crap is going to build the wall; right ?????

Tell me we are getting the wall ?????


2 many SS around . . .

Are you a closet trump fan, come on out of the closet lol :)

I have no problem with Republicans, I just have a problem with such creatures as President Pubes . . .

The man scares me, he's very odd

Just keep your pubes away from him; you will be safe enough . . .

Crap I would hate to be a female secret service agent . . .

I wouldn't go anywhere near him or his hair

There is nothing wrong with having open political debate, however that is no longer possible. Humans have short attention spans and people memory is not that reliable. The words Donald Trump said in 2012 were recorded forever to be replayed into the unknown future. Since politicians cannot predict the future they manipulate that future and choose to make contests personal battlegrounds.

Since neither of these trailer trash candidates could make policy announcements they turned it into a carnival of lies. Instead of these worthless panhandlers choosing to simply make nasty cracks about each other president elect pubes choose to make this campaign about sleazy entertainment.

Now the Republicans have the politician muscle and in 4 or 8 years will simply turn it back over to the Democrats. It is unlikely this trailer trash can earn enough serious economic strength in four years to give him a second term. Basically this is just the other side of professional politics where both sides make money and the people are preyed upon.

However now it clearly shows that no one has any personal self respect or human decency nor standards. Simply the people who built up america have mainly passed away or retired and now the trust fund baby's are making whatever fad decisions they like.

To elect anyone who has no self respect to act reasonable to half the population is simply unforgivable. This shows what the Republidiots will do to simply make a fast dollar. There is nothing wrong with making money, but people should at least give a thought to how they view themselves as people. This makes such a mockery out of professional politicians and without effective democracy things will go from bad to worse.

here is a link to donald trump tweet of his penis. big business has censored the site to clean up the image of this pubes molester but you can quickly find the stored images on this google search page . . .

Think they forget they are going to be running a Country and not a kindergarden, hopefully he won't last