CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “bullshit"

in #politics7 years ago

Published on Jun 26, 2017
In the recent video footage obtained by Project Veritas, John Bonifield a Sr. Producer at CNN, admits to several beliefs that are in direct conflict with the official CNN narrative that Trump has colluded with Russia, and that Russia has interfered with the 2016 election. Bonifield expresses clear doubts that there is a fire behind the Russia smoke, stating, “I haven’t seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime.” He also confirms suspicions that CNN staff is ideologically biased against Trump, stating, “I know a lot of people don’t like him and they’d like to see him get kicked out of office…”

There are 3 pages

It is bullshit and they don't even care that they brought our two countries to the brink of nuclear war. How are people not pissed off? These guys are playing with real peoples lives if things got heated up that people die.

you cant just assume all of it is bullshit

Well I'm assuming most of it's bullshit because the guy from CNN said most of it's bullshit and they don't have hard proof.

Wait, let's assume some of it is real. How does that compare to the USA's meddling and direct involvement in overthrowing other governments, installing dictators, etc. over the last 100 years? Even if it is true, it doesn't matter. The USA has so much blood on its hands it should just shut up.

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Just followed but keep steaming and thanks for the upvote did the same. More people that know of theses things the better.

CNN will die and free media (STEEMIT) will steem roll over their lying asses.

I see more outright lies and debunked pseudo science on steem than anywhere else.

I'll take Steemit news any day over Main Stream Media news.

STEEMIT commentary is not news. From what I am seeing so far, its just more left leaning regurgitation.

Breaking news is shared on here. We even have alternative news sites and journalists here contributing. What makes you write that when it is clearly incorrect? I'm confused by you.

What is your left and right anyway? The correct scale is liberty to tyranny. I am fighting to move that scale's needle towards liberty. You?

Maybe but at least on steemit you can reply, or choose to not upvote and let it die. The traditional media used to have power and they're losing it. They have a vested interest to lie and create sensational headlines to please their advertisers with views.

They have a vested interest not to lie. Sensationalism is another issue.

the problem we have is there is little or no news any longer. Just narrative and commentary. Real news, like the Crooked Clintons selling us out for millions gets covered up with poor "Barbie and Ken" got their feelings hurt.

Had I not been a Fox news network watcher, I might not have seen this either. It amazes me that CNN and MSNBC spend so much time making up stories that they don't have time to actually report the real news. The truth is, that the Russian Story makes money, but coupling it with Trump makes even more money. Trump is their biggest moneymaker.

Funny, Fox News viewers are objectively the more misinformed group.

WOW, was that an insult?

No just a fact. Watching no news makes you better informed than watching Fox.

this stupid report states that folks a certain percentage of msnbc or fox news viewers couldn't answer questions correctly. What were the questions? I guarantee you, no one who watches morning joe , Rachel Madcow, or the view, or in your case the late night talk show idiots, will know anything about real foreign or domestic policies

Mhmmmm but only one network ranked worse than people who don't watch anything.

that is about the dumbest remark I have read today. You are just regurgitating a BS left wing news commentary as if it is the final authority. I may be "uninformed" but I'm not an idiot who regurgitates other idiot's commentaries

Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but Fox News is no better. I was a faithful watcher of Fox News back when I was still a neo con. They are just as guilty of manipulating the truth in their favor (to control the masses).

so what are you now?

I seek the truth no matter how inconvenient or painful it is. :)

I'm a voluntaryist. Sorry, I misunderstood the question while using my phone to originally reply.

Youtube is the place to be!

More here on the possibilities of full out war with Russia. This is also from yesterday - images of US UN rep Nikki Haley and White House spokesperson Sean Spicer Tweets at link:

All while the US military and its allies are using white phosphorus and other banned weapons? It's an insulting joke.

Disregarding whether you like President Trump or not, it's really baffling to me how this narrative came up.
From what I've seen the narrative really blew around the time the primaries were over and the DNC conference was occurring at the time. I don't see anyone ever speak on this, however, the #DNC wikileaks was quite a stir if you remember. Basically, when wikileaks reported the corrupted campaign of the Democratic party, the DNC found a way to point fingers at Russia for doing so, even though Julian Assange and his staff at wikileaks clearly were behind the "cyber attacks" they pitted against Russia.
Why blame Russia you ask? From my understanding, there were 2 key factors, 1 - Trump and Putin's mutual respect: Now this I can understand, and could be plausible if you aren't aware of how wiki-leaks works. Given the respect and wishes to bring the two nations in better standing, I could see why that would be an immediate reaction, though... the second reason is what really baffles me.
2- Clearly, as we have seen Clinton's work in the past, it's no secret that Putin and his administration disdain Clinton's camp for her actions.
Because of the skirmish of threats arising, Russia's act of defensive preparation was seen as a 'threat', i.e safety drills, developing certain weapons, and what not.

Even then, let's say none of this was the case....where is the evidence, how exactly does it develop in this case? It's pretty insane how far a narrative can go without presenting evidence or justifying the lack thereof by any means....

Now I could go on a tangent, however my time here is limited. Thank you @craig-grant for posting this video! Project Veritas has always been a fan fav <3

Part of the reason the Dems chose the Russia narrative to attack Trump, is because HILLARY'S greatest weakness was her ties with Russia. Projecting your weakness onto your enemy is the oldest trick in the book.

I personally enjoy following Mike Rivero at He is well up on his news and if he doesn't know something he'll admit it. He's well informed regarding US politics, corruption and inside stories. Doesn't CNN mean Clinton News Network? ;-)

and there is the million dollar question. why did they refuse access to the DNC server to the FBI and why did the FBI not issue warrants for the computer? hmmmmmm that alone should scream to everybody in this country that there is definately "something rotten in denmark"

I think CNN should not focus too much on Russia and Donload Trump. They every day talk about Trump and Russia.Many people feel annoyed about it and they should make use of their strong and valuable channel to promote something more meaningful.That is what the people want to see. Stop stepping in this arguing and be positive!

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Yep. Not that I am a Trump fan, but the Russia narrative is a replay of the cold-war narrative. They can't even be creative!


'Another day, another Russian conspiracy' was so true.

Don't support Trump either, but it's a pure smear campaign at this point.

Its all the left has going for them atm.

Part of it too is that "traditional" media is clearly dying. A youtuber will get 1 million views for a single person, while CNN, or WRJ or some other media giant would be happy to even get 500k views for the entire organization. They are trying to do whatever they can to stay relevant and attract attention. Smear campaigns, lying, whatever!

Not at all. Trump keeps doing it to himself. Trump is the one that keeps this narrative going.

Trump is not doing anything to himself. He's the smartest guy in the room. The more he hits, the more they bleed. The aging Barbie and Ken just got slapped (a tiny bit) and now they are crying like they were beaten. The problem with the whole liberal media is that they don't realize that half the country enjoys seeing them get their butts kicked. They talk big and bully their way around but when they get "B" slapped just a little bit, they cry fowl. At least they didn't spend the weekend talking about how unfair it is that the sanctuary cities wont receive my tax paying dollars to protect hardened criminals . And to be clear here, I think a person who illegally enters our country is a lawbreaker (criminal) and one who continues to do so, is a hardened criminal. Notice not one of the "major" news organizations covered the injustice of San Franscisco taxpayers having to pay an illegal (criminal) $190 grand. At best some of the late night talk show "comedians" joked about it. YOu might think making fun of Trump is funny, but believe me, he "ain't no joke" He's the fighter that this old viet nam vet is proud to say got my vote.

LOL you are just proving the point.

He's just another puppet. By now he's been sat down and been given the "talk."


Fits right in cause everything about CNN is bullshit.

I am so sick and tired of this bullshit. Every single day its something negative. Everyone knows its all fake. I voted for Trump, why? Cuz he doesn't give 2 shits and is doing what the people want and is not giving into the media, plu there was no one else to vote for and we couldn't afford to have Clinton. Do I agree with everything he says, no. But for the media to continue to split the Country apart is insane as well as contributing to a near damn civil war and attempting to destroy relationships across the globe. Unfortunately they are only succeeding here in the States and the small minded people are falling into their grip. What makes it worse is the CEO of CNN told all of CNN in an email to continue to fight. Who knows what that means. But with their track record and this coming out, it could mean anything.

Thanks to places like steemIt, we can put news and media in its place. I am tired of this shit. Its all lies. Heres to Decentralization of currency and media! #dixout4harambe!

Taking away healthcare and destroying the environment is what people wanted?

They are not taking away health care and not taking away OBAMA care but adjusting a few flaws. For instance he is making it to where people who are abusing the the assistance program unable to obtain it and harder for to get, even Obama himself said it needed adjusted. Obama made it impossible for people like me to get insurance. 1 I made to much money to get OBAMA care and 2 health insurance was to high for me to afford and if we dont have health insurance we are getting fined for it? Thats commie shit.

As far as the environment, every country was benefiting off of the Paris Agreement except the United States. China and other countries have higher pollution rate and was benefiting from the coal mining while American workers where put out of work. On top of that the U.S. was paying for a shit ton of the Agreement.

You are so full of shit. Over 20 million people losing health care is not adjusting a few flaws.

Ok, so what about the people that cant afford health insurance or the people that dont qualify for obamacare? Fuck them right? And everyone that gets penalized because they cant afford it? Thats the dumbest shit I have ever heard! I guarantee you the majority of those people have the ability to work and would be able to get their own health insurance but they choose not to so they can suck the life out of my money and everyone else who works for it! It affects the doctors and screws up the premiums. On top of that medications that use to be covered is no longer covered! My son lost his main medication because of obamacare! Come at me bro! What else you got?

Buddy, if any one is full of crap it's you. I'll bet you that you really don't give two turds about other people's health coverage, care less about the rights of "all Americans" (especially mine), a humanist, college dropout, who really doesn't have a clue what the true conservative stands for and I'll bet you get your news from late night talk show hosts.

You are an awful gambler. You would have lost your bankroll on those bets.

I don't think Americans really knows what they want at this junction.

Americans want Bernie Sanders. Hillary stole the nomination from the rightful president, leaving two horrible options.

I think all Americans know what they want. Your statement is invalid.

Harambe would be proud of you and would support this. #dicksout

The worst job ever - count how many times CNN mentioned Trump and Russia. LOL. Thanks for the post, dosen't surprise me in the least. The mainstream media isn't after truth - the almighty dollar is what they're after. Upvoted for what is worth (maybe 8 cents?)

Wow, I can't believe that he said all of that to a random guy. Great clip! I had a feeling that they were just using the Russia narrative for ratings.....and for brainwashing;)

lol! wow nice find

He kinda F'd himself there hahaha.


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Really though. Let the man live. If we concentrated more on what best for the country, and less on how to get this man out of office; the US wouldn't be in the shit hole it's in.

Media these days has gone too much negative. They just want to sell you news and for that they are doing anything.

This comment has received a 0.59 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptokraze.

Say... I love Russia. Why CNN do not respect them!
They are the few country that support btc payment.

In my opinion, I think that Russian interfere in the election, the early the presidency admit, the better. Good job.

Yeah, because the USA has never interfered in a foreign election. LOL

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This just in!! Trump has an answer for all all of this talk of subterfuge and collusion . . . it is a testament to his ability to construct complex sentences with above par grammar. As we see by the tapestry of language below, Mr. Trump is a beast of a statesman to contend with in the language category . . I think you might just say, he blew us out of the water with this response:

Funny how you can make money by posting others content. Good job Craig :) i'll try this idea and see how far i can take it. hahaha

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Unbelievable...Who would have thought CNN, the same media outlet that gave out the debate questions to Clinton, would do more shady stuff?!?! LOL come on.

@td4me80 @cryptoking100!!!!

TRUMP TRAIN and STEEM TRAIN are mighty similar ;)

its crazy, that someone, who already understands how clinton does shady stuff and how everything is fucked up, really thinks that trump really "makes america great again". with what? protectionism and licking israel, saudi ass? constant war-rattling and konservative lip service with nothing other than the same old neocon agenda? face it, he might've been less evil than clinton, but he doesnt fix shit. he already made this very clear.

btw. nice boobs.

Im all aboard with lower taxes, a stronger military, bringing jobs back, using clean coal, and revising that failing Obama care....He is already getting stuff done, without the dems and the media help.

i'm all aboard with lower taxes, maybe coal. you can keep the stronger military, which is completely nuts and as for "revisiting" obamacare........... you wish.

"getting stuff done", what does that even mean? and what, if the stuff that gets done is the wrong stuff? in fact, he is not even conservative in anyway. he bowed down to neocons and even his fake-reagan rhetoric, that he will be enforcing even less than reagan did, is nothing to cheer on. but meh, who cares. good luck with that kind of saviour. right now he seems to be lost in the swamp, though.

Did you know they gave the questions to Bernie too?

Do you know where the "Trump train" leads? It leads straight to nuclear war. I hope for my children's sake that all of you zealots wake the hell up before it is too late. Walk away from the Kool-Aid people. Walk away before it is too late.

I know how the community on here leans, but I'd take this with a very large grain of salt. This is another O'Keefe video, who has in the past been legally determined to have edited videos to misrepresent topics. So it doesn't exactly build a ton of confidence for him to have released another highly edited video on a controversial topic. O'Keefe also received money from from the Trump Foundation in 2016 to the tune of $10,000.

Its also worth noting that this producer is a producer for CNN Health. I haven't seen any reason to take his opinions on the validity of the Russia stories as fact. I don't doubt that CNN runs the stories that they believe will bring in the most viewership, or that they "entertainize" the stories, but that's a world of difference from publishing falsified stories.

There are way too many Trump fanbois here good for you!

Totally agree. To act as if FOX doesn't repudiate the same old bullshit every week, is quite hypocritical. The Russia thing IS ridiculous, but it's not any more ridiculous than a network like FOX not even reporting on many of Trump's fiascos. MSM is flawed and there are a lot of platforms that are growing that will eventually put it out of business.

It seems like we live in a world of 'finger pointers' who live on getting upvoted for pointing fingers when one media outlet has a FAIL, totally ignoring the shortcomings of their competitive networks the very same day.

Looking forward to living in a world without finger pointing and sensationalist articles/videos, calling out every small things that offends or baffles him/her.

Seriously! People need help to awake from their dogmatic slumbers. The fact that there are not criminal proceedings as a result of this peejury of the peoples' trust truly shows what msm really is: the bread and circuses of a dying Rome.

It is teevee programming. Litereally programming the people to think a certain way. It is "shopaganda" of the most virulent kind.

CNN is a joke. And more people ought to know about it. Deliver yourself from fiction, and do a little digging for the truth, it will liberate your mind.
The more time i spend here, on steemit, the more optimistic i become. The free Blockchain (tech) can liberate us all.

Keep on steeming and keep on stacking.

@craig-grant the funny thing about this is that I am sure that program directors from all mainstream media outlets know that 85% is absolute garbage. I mean, when they break a story, they will bring on a former tenant's dog Groomer's tax accountant just to get an (unqualified) inside scoop.

As always with all information, take it for face value, and keep a discerning wye to ensure you stay on top of things!

Hello @craig-grant
Happy steemit.
Steemit is an amazing place. Here, we share stories and read others.
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Best of luck with your steemit trip.
Looking forward to read the next post ,,, do not forget also the next action upvoting and follow me @jakir ,, thank you steemit community ,,,,

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You can find me in most Social Media @jakir.Happy to connect with community steemit

But what will this mean for the future of 'Media'. If these Media Companies are just producing news for the money, will government then take over control of the Media outlets. Then we would have a total police state.

Brother Craig has made it to the Trending Page big league!!


I knew it all along.... foaming mouth liberals will stop at nothing...

I am happy that the MSM's bullshit is being exposed. This will lead to a better tomorrow. Collusion between Russia and Trump is BS. Russia meddling in our election is completely true and has been for decades. Just as we do with other countries. The big thing is WHAT did they do.... we know they were not in direct contact with Trump..... we know they didnt change a single vote.... but what we do think is that they helped release devastating information on Hillary Clinton. Information that we needed to know prior to the election anyway. Former President Obama knew about the interference 8 months (if not longer) before the election and did nothing about it just like the rest of his weak ass foreign policy.

we all knew this, but the media needs it's fix of bull shit

They are such trendy scum. You can hear it in the lefttards voice how pathetic he is. As he tries to sound intellectual. Wow msn doesn't care how unconnected they are. Dinosaur media for sure .

I post the latest in the meme war check me out I also post every so often an article about markets economy gold/silver/crypto
Follow if ya dare!!!!!!! Don't forget to upvote !!!!!!

I am from Romania and I must say that the American election was one of the greatest shows I watched last year. Trump was the anti-establishment politician that the political elites didn't want. Obviously, they had to try and hunt him down smear him, but he didn't collapse so they kept on pushing to the point where we are now. Honestly, I never fell for the Russia narrative as it always seemed weak and Russia has always been America's boogeyman so it was easy to link it to their enemies (in this case, Trump). On top of this, most people can't verify this information so you can pretty much tell them anything and many will buy it.

Man they are all deluded!

Bot has trump and Putin are raving lunatics.

They're both crazy blood thirsty try animals who care only for power & wealth. We would be foolish to think either of these nut cases would have our best interests at heart.

You only have to look at their policies to see how much of mad men these two really are.

Way too close to a Third World War. The world is too hostile right now!!

It's the goal, and I don't see how any of us can stop it.

I mean, it's not bullshit, but they certainly don't have any proof. That money's been washed soooo many times, over, what, 30 years? It's not specific collusion, it's just dirty business that got the big chair.

I surely hope this gets mass media coverage! People need to know the way of the media! Truth isn't important anymore, its all about them ratings, which ends up as misinforming the public.

really? it is bullshit and that didn't get censored? Well, the giant proof is not there and so the story should be laid to rest???

I was just watching this on youtube. Project Veritas catching them in the act. Just like the caught the DNC operatives planning election fraud. PV said they were going after the media next. This is great!

Putin is greatest leader in the world ! American brainwashed people believe that Russia is pure Evil - Of course pure Evil is America. Full stop


@morseke1 Can't you read? It seems like you believe anything what media served you. I will ask you.... Who done attack on WTC ?

Be careful my friend to not judge people without knowing anything at all about them. This is how hate happens. I love the media so much that I do not watch a single hour of TV. And to answer your question, I'm actually a pretty darn good reader:)

@morseke1 Yeah that's right but the problem with west (I'm living in UK for 12 years) is that they are too much into politics, too much into tv etc ... I think it's too much, and lying media just laughing.

Oh no! Not again the dying fakestream media is as it again with their bullshit tactics. nice post my friend

Silly satanists, lies are for the devil. God Bless @craig-grant.

Nice post craig please follow me!

DUMP the trump, they're like hand in glove IMO.

Trump can do anything for money

The better question is, "What is Putin's price?" For a few billion people's sake, I hope he is as he appears and doesn't have one.

nice post followed :)

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