The root of communism is envy. In society, there will be people that will be more wealthy than others. The less fortunate then want to close the gap without working to become more wealthy. The issue with communism is that everyone ends up poor. The rich who have their wealth taken away eventually becomes poor. In order for redistribution to work at a large scale, big governments are formed and are given increased legislative power. The redistribution process repeats until everyone becomes poor. Then at this point, there is little or no envy in the society. However, now you have a society that looks like Venezuela where the governments have enormous power and everyone is poor. Equality does not exist and cannot be achieved because everyone is different. There are people who work hard and those who don't and their life circumstances will be varied.
Marriage is socialism and divorce is communism. At the start straight after marriage, men provide resources while the women procreate children and provide consistent sex for the men. After the years of feminism, women can receive the resources but don't have to give sex at all. All they have to do is accuse you of rape and the divorce starts. Women initiate 80% of the divorces and women win 80% of the cases since the family courts are female favored. The divorce process is communism as the male has to split up his net worth of assets and money to the female and pay alimony and child support if there are children. If for some reason, the man somehow during his life misses a single payment, he goes to jail.
MGTOW is a response to feminism as the philosophy teaches men that marriage has no benefits for men and that society is built by men. The fruits of the labor are redistributed to women/children afterwards. However, the spread of the idea is rapidly increasing and as more men walk away, the faster feminism fades away.