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RE: The Politics of Negative Voting

in #politics9 years ago (edited)

I'm on record (you can look back if you wish), as saying that those with the most gold and most to gain or lose should have the most power and that this is a private enterprise. So things like censoring speech through downvotes, etc., does not apply.

That being said, Whales, Inc., I kindly ask you hear my opinion. It is in the best interest of this platform to use the downvote hammer judicially. Using it because you don't agree with the content (original of course), humor, politics, have a personality conflict with a user, etc is very, very bad. What somebody may find NSFW another may find benign, what somebody may find humorous another may find offensive, so on and so forth. Once the governors (Whales, Inc.) start becoming the Judges, Juries and Executioners of appropriate content things may fall apart for some users. This has been seen at Reddit and other places when they setup committees, etc to make sure "inappropriate content" or users does not stain their platform.