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RE: Steve Bannon Called Trump "11-Year-Old Child"

in #politics7 years ago

So Trump and Whitehouse are basically saying Bannon is a lying sack of manure. If you believe in Trump, then you have now learned that Bannon, and by extenion, have been lying to you. But I suppose Trump could be the lying stack of dung. This calls for 9 ways to tell who is lying...

  1. leaves out details - liars don't want to go into too much detail
  2. admits to having a faulty memory -- or claims they are a genius
  3. makes spontaneous corrections -- or causes spontaneous combustion
  4. keeps it short and vague -- or totally caves in to the other guy
  5. doesn't make sense and is full of contradictions -- especially while tweeting on the toilet
  6. pretends to be thinking hard -- but doesn't really work at it -- brings out spokesmen and lawyers instead
  7. is nervous, tense, or is swety, even at 2 below
  8. finds fault in others -- complains a lot
  9. repeats himself -- talks slow -- says it again, and then again a different way, and says "right, right?" and stuff like that.