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RE: So Trump's staff is keeping him happy with totally delusional "good polls"

in #politics7 years ago

It is quite interesting to see the various articles and opinions regarding Flynn. 99% miss the fact that Flynn is a world class Counter Intelligence operative. His training and his forte are in the fields of military deception, operation security, surveillance and security analysis. To even suggest he would not know he was being recorded when he spoke to the Russian Ambassador is just laughable. Of course he knew.

Consider then, that Flynn, who is loathed by many Obama operatives like Brennan (CIA) and McCabe (FBI), knew that they would never accept him as NSC advisor and would attack relentlessly to stop him from taking or remaining in that role. Flynn therefore, took it upon himself to become the lightning rod and absorb the early attacks on Trumps team and just resign from a position he hadn't even been appointed to officially. Note Flynn, never signed the form stating he would not undertake outside work or lobbying work for the 4 year Trump term. He never signed it because he never intended to take the NSC role. Flynn I believe always intended acting as a contractor providing counter intel security for Trump.

Certainly after Flynn resigned some extraordinary counter intel operations cleaned out all the White House leakers. Different people were given different versions of an event. Immediately identifying which leaker was leaking to which media outlet. It's called a Barium meal, pure General Flynn. Note Trump said at the time "the news is fake, the leaks are real".

Once you accept that, it becomes easier to realize that Flynn has beeen part of and in fact still is still running a brilliant counter intelligence operation for the White House. It is 100% leak proof, they have OPSEC, operational security. They selectively leak fake news which is jumped on by the mainstream media and reported as fact, with no verifications. MILDEC Military Deception. When you understand and accept Flynn's role in the operation you can easily see articles such as this one are completely fake deceptions. Along with all the McMaster vs Trump narratives, General Kelly almost resigning narratives, Trump as a spoled baby having two scoops of ice cream, Trump unable to take in detailed analysis etc etc.

It's all deception, "chaff", decoys whatever you want to call them. They work on confirmation bias so that people who already think this of Trump will see it as confirmation of their belief he is a clown. It gets reported and published and repeated. Allowing Trump and his team to work on their world changing, geopolitical upheavals, economic game changing etc etc without interruption.

And as much as one attempts to explain this, there are many people incapable of seeing the evidence. It's much easier for them to just confirm their existing bias about 'Trump as Clown'. I find them extraordinarily stubbornly and embarrassingly stupid people. I really could not live with myself, if I were them, when it comes out how wrong they are.