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RE: So Trump's staff is keeping him happy with totally delusional "good polls"

in #politics7 years ago

Confirmation Bias is something that can easily infect our judgement, like a virus. We are vulnerable to Confirmation Bias when we hold our views on a subject so strongly that they begin to define us as a person. We have seen thousands of people in this state since the election of Trump. People who literally define themselves by their hatred for President Trump.

When people are in this state, they are actually quite vulnerable and exposed. Because effectively they are no longer in control of how they define and see themselves in the world. For example those defined by their hatred for Trump would be uncomfortable if it was reported that he had a major success or did something to receive widespread praise. The Trump haters would feel dimished and less important. By contrast any news that shows Trump in a poor light or takes a Trump story from an unfavourable point of view, the person will feel empowered and more influential and correct.

So it's easy to see that people self defining through their Trump hatred, will be far more inclined to focus on negative or unfavourable stories so as to affirm and empower their self defined Trump hating status. In effect they are bias towards anything that confirms theirTrump hating status.

Hence Confirmation Bias a virus of the mind that refuses to accept any news or facts that run counter to their stated beliefs.

Avoid media brainwashing, confirmation bias and other traps by ensuring you take in a wide variety of views, each backed up with fact. Remain open to alternative views and then judge on evidence. Your gut feeling should guide you.